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 保守力场 添加此单词到默认生词本
conservative force field

  1. 文章从静电场力作功的特点出发,说明静电场是保守力场
    The article proceeds from the characteristic of doing work of electrostatic field strength and proves that electrostatic field is a conservative force field.
  2. 具体来讲,如果你有一个保守力场,就不可能建立起永恒的运动。
    So, what that means concretely is if you have a force field that conservative, then you cannot build somehow some perpetual motion out of it.
  3. 目前为止,我们主要关心的是,如果在保守力场中,力所做的功是,能量的改变。
    Our main concern so far has been to say if we have a conservative force field it means that the work of a force is the change in the energy.

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