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 保守疗法 添加此单词到默认生词本
conservative therapy
conservative treatment

  1. 如果包括“冲击波”在内的一切保守疗法都没有用呢?
    If includes the shock-wave all conservative treatments not to have usefully ?
  2. 图片中所展示的是结膜下出血,该情况可通过保守疗法轻易地在门诊就得到处理。
    The image shown is of a subconjunctival hemorrhage, a condition that can be easily managed with conservative treatment on an outpatient basis.
  3. 尽管如此,这些保守疗法的严重不良反应的发生率微乎其微,应更广泛地采用,直到手术失败可以减至类似水平。
    Nevertheless, these conservative treatments have a negligible incidence of serious complications and should be used more widely until surgical failures can be reduced to similar levels.

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