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 企业自主权 添加此单词到默认生词本
[经管] right of autonomy for enterprise
autonomy of enterprise

  1. 扩大企业自主权是中国国有企业改革的第一步。
    The first step of China's reform of state-owned-enterprises is to expand their autonomy.
  2. 第二条政府依法保护外商投资企业的合法权益,尊重外商投资企业自主权
    Article 2. The government will protect the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises with foreign investment and respect their autonomy.
  3. 在英国、东欧和南美的部分国家,要求赋予私人企业自主权和减少政府影响的运动也是方兴未艾。
    Movements to empower private businesses and reduce government’s influence gained momentum in Great Britain, Eastern Europe, and parts of South America.

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