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 企业预测 添加此单词到默认生词本
business forecast

  1. 目前我国没认识到进行企业预测性财务信息披露的重要性和必要性。
    Whether unveiling the predictive financial information of enterprises, there are being disputes at Present.
  2. 作为企业预测安全状况的手段和客观预测的一种方法,安全性评价具有较高的准确性和精确性。
    As one of means of predicting safety status for an enterprise and objective forecast, safety evaluation is provided with higher veracity and more excellent accuracy.
  3. 首先,这个数字是根据增长数据计算出来的,而这些数据比议会无党派美国国会预算局和私营企业预测的数字都要高。
    First, it is based on growth figures that are better than those projected by either the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office or private-sector forecasters.

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