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 以色列民族 [yǐ sè liè mín zú添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 就我个人而言,它也是以色列民族自身的一场内战。
    I think it's also a civil war of Israel against itself.
  2. 然后所有外邦人,所有民族,都将来到以色列的上帝面前,他们将被纳入以色列民族,他们将崇拜以色列的上帝。
    And then all the Gentiles,all the nations, would come to the God of Israel, they would be grafted into the nation of Israel, they would worship the God of Israel.
  3. 在这些最感激的国家中有我的国家,以色列民族,而他们曾经为他们的自由而战,并克服难以置信的苦难生存下来,无论古代还是现代都遭际如此。
    Among the most grateful nations is my nation, the people of Israel, who have fought for their liberty and survival against impossible odds, in ancient and modern times alike.

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