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 以身许国 [yǐ shēn xǔ guó添加此单词到默认生词本
dedicate oneself to one's country's cause

  1. 我会感动于所有的美国人——不是一小撮经过筛选的人——都必须以身许国
    I love it when ALL Americans are required to put their lives on the line for their country instead of a select few.
  2. 作为一个以身许国,“我我血荐轩辕”的爱国主义者,鲁迅对裴多菲的自由之歌、战斗诗篇无疑会产生全面共鸣。
    As a patriot dedicating himself to the country's cause, Lu Xun makes sympathetic response to the poems of freedom and fighting written by Petofi Sandor.
  3. 在战场上和抗战中,绝大多数保定军校毕业生以身许国,率部与敌搏杀,表现出高尚的爱国主义情操。
    On the battlefields, the majority of them led their army and fought against the enemies bravely, and sacrificed themselves for the country, showing their great patriotism.

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