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 井径测井 [jǐng jìng cè jǐng添加此单词到默认生词本
calliper logging

  1. 根据40臂井径测井资料解释成果,提出了对套损检修建议。
    Based on the outcome of 40-armed caliper log analysis, suggestions on casing failure well repairing has been put forward.
  2. 摘要为了深入研究套损机理,减少油水套管的损坏,提出了新的多臂井径测井解释方法。
    In order to study the theory of casing damage and reduce the casing damage of oil-water wells, a new log analysis method of multi-armed caliper log is expounded.
  3. 利用该方法和多臂井径测井数据可得到变形截面上近似偏心圆的圆心、最大通和有效通经。
    We can obtain the eccentric circle's center, maximum drift diameter and effective drift diameter by using this method and the data of multi armed caliper log.

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