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 井水 [jǐng shuǐ添加此单词到默认生词本
well water

  1. 井水满溢,你对乾渴的恐惧岂不就是一种无法解脱的乾渴?
    Is not dread of thirst when your well is full, thirst that is unquenchable?
  2. 等山羊喝够井水后,狐狸才将两人被困深井的事实说出来,牠还提出了一个可行的逃离深井的方法。
    Just as the goat quenched his thirst, the fox informed him of the difficulty they were both in, and suggested a way for them to escape.
  3. 几个世纪以来,人们千方百计预测地震,从动物行为和不同寻常的云的形成,到井水的水位和月亮的周期。
    Over the centuries, people have tried everything from the behaviour of animals and unusual cloud formations to the water level in wells and the phases of the moon to predict earthquakes.

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