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 乍看 [zhà kàn添加此单词到默认生词本
at first glance

  1. 下一次课是关于启蒙运动的,有些你们乍看之下绝对想不到的人物,却引领了那个时代
    Next time to the Enlightenment and some people whom you might not think of at first glance would seem terribly enlightened.
  2. 乍看之下,或许会教人以为,这是为即将到来的黄金周旅游旺季或是新上市的系列家居用品所做的宣传。
    At first glance it could have been a promotion for the upcoming Golden Week travel season or perhaps a newly launched range of household products.
  3. 乍看之下,他似乎对她漠不关心,但他宽大的帽檐保护性地扫过她的脸颊,几乎就像他的手臂搂着她的肩膀。
    He may seem indifferent to her at first glance, but the broad brim of his hat sweeps protectively across her face, almost as if his arm were around her shoulder.

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