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 乏燃料 [fá rán liào添加此单词到默认生词本
[核] spent fuel

  1. 然后,会在容器外的乏燃料里出现事故,这是在里面,这是在外面。
    Then you have accidents in the spent fuel outside of containment. This is inside and this is outside.
  2. 我们也需要冷却反应堆,还有乏燃料,在乏燃料池里,但是那基本上意味着,你们想要维持冷却剂存货,也就是在主系统中的水。
    We also need to cool the reactor and the spent fuel in the spent fuel pool but that basically means you wanna maintain the coolant inventory which means water in the primary system.
  3. 受爆炸和火灾的冲击,东京以北240公里(150英里)电站里的反应器正在泄漏,官员们不能确认是否冷却水仍在水池中浸含着乏燃料棒。
    Hit by explosions and fires, reactors at the plant, 240 km (150 miles) north of Tokyo, are leaking, and officials can't confirm if cooling water remains in pools containing spent fuel rods.

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