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 主任工程师 添加此单词到默认生词本
engineer in charge

  1. 辅助安全主任工程师提供合适的国际标准安全要求的培训;
    Assist Safety officer to provide the suitable train for engineers about international safety standard requirement.
  2. 当我问团队中的主任工程师为什么我们两天做不来的事情,而Josh一小时就搞定了,他的回答真的雷到了我。
    When I asked the lead engineer on my consulting team why it took Josh an hour to solve a problem that our team couldn’t solve over the last two days, the answer stunned me.
  3. 联邦热气球部队得不到军队官员的尊重,罗伊被分配到联邦军队的主任工程师手下工作,并且工资很低,罗维便辞去了军职。
    The Union Army Balloon Corps got no respect from military officials, and Lowe resigned when he was assigned to serve, at a lower pay grade, under the director of the Army Corps of Engineers.

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