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 主体责任 添加此单词到默认生词本
entity responsibility

  1. 第二部分介绍了国外循环经济法主体责任配置的经验借鉴。
    Part two introduces the experience of the Circular Economy Law entities responsibility assigning from foreign countries.
  2. 而在经济法责任理论中,经济法调制主体责任理论则少有人问及。
    In the theory of economic law and responsibility, the main responsibility of the Economic Law modulation theory, and very few people asked .
  3. 最后,探讨我国企业年金基金监管主体责任所存在问题以及产生这些问题的原因。
    Finally, investigate and study the occupational pension fund, the main responsibility for monitoring the problems and causes of these problems.

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