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 中心力 添加此单词到默认生词本
central force

  1. 法拉第想出一个有趣的实验在围绕一个螺线管的磁性方面调查中心力量,这没有杆片,因此中心力没有中心.
    Faraday devised an interesting experiment to investigate his ideas of circular force in the magnetism surrounding a solenoid, which has no pole pieces and thus no centers for central forces.
  2. 强调腿和脚有节奏的律动,有身体的中心
    To emphasize rhythmic action of the legs and feet, find the origin in the body's core.
  3. 利用一种新型的简易方法,获得圆薄膜在中心集中作用下的基本方程与边界条件下非线性边值问题的精确解;并利用现代不动点定理讨论了该问题解的存在唯一性.虽然求解的是圆薄膜在中心集中作用下的非线性问题,但此原理亦可应用在其它类似的非线性问题.
    Exact solution of the nonlinear boundary value problem for the basic equation and boundary condition of circular membrane under central force were obtained by using new simple methods.The existence and uniqueness of the solution were discussed by making use of modern immovable point theorems.Although specific problem is treated,the basic principles of the methods can be applied to a considerable variety of nonlinear problems.

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