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 中心射线 [zhōng xīn shè xiàn添加此单词到默认生词本
[数] central ray

  1. 这是在吉尔吉斯斯坦的标志,其中有40射线中心黄色太阳象征。
    This is symbolized by the yellow sun in the center of the flag of Kyrgyzstan, which has 40 rays.
  2. 射线中心轴之间可能存在的最大角。是光纤电缆接收光进行进一步传输的最大角。
    The biggest possible angle between a ray and the center axis . The maximum angle that a fiber optic cable accepts light for further transmission.
  3. 用大号柔角笔刷,擦去射线边缘,制作一个虚幻射线效果,同时也要擦去射线中心人物上的射线
    Using the soft-edge big eraser brush, remove the edges of the rays to create a natural fading beams effect. Also, remove the parts of the rays that go over the main figure.

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