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 专用工具 添加此单词到默认生词本
special tools
built-for-purpose tools

  1. 另一个通过用一个文件管理器代替新硬件自带的专用工具也解决了。
    The other was solved by using a file manager instead of the dedicated tools that came with the new hardware.
  2. 他们并不想要任何专用工具,或者新的语言,亦或是任何对大型语义网络显而易见的修饰。
    They did not want to require any special tools, new languages or any of the perceived trappings (read: impedances) of the larger Semantic Web.
  3. 当在一个 J2EE 服务器中实现(嵌入)时,它将成为该服务器中实现(部署)的应用程序可以利用的专用工具
    When implemented (embedded) in a J2EE Server, it becomes one more tool in a system of specialized components available to applications implemented (deployed) in the Server.

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