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 专用控制器 添加此单词到默认生词本
[自] nonshared control unit

  1. 专用控制器则接受数据,缓冲并控制LED显示器,完成数据传输。
    Have data when upgrading, LED display screen control and show by controller.
  2. 该系统完全可以代替价格昂贵的专用控制器
    This system can definitely replace the expensive special controller completely.
  3. 根据以上两种方法的两种方案,利用EPEC 2023工程机械专用控制器和SPN显示器,对车辆的节能控制系统进行了设计开发。
    Based on the two programs above, the thesis uses the EPEC 2023 construction machinery controller and SPN LED to design the vehicle energy-saving control system for 8m3 truck mixer.

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