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 滚线 [gǔn xiàn添加此单词到默认生词本
rolling curve

  1. 摘要在分析串联组合型推力圆柱子轴承轴圈和座圈设计准则的基础上,按子与线接触要求建立其最优化设计数学模型,采用机械优化设计中的约束随机方向搜索法计算轴圈和座圈的厚度、厚度变化角。
    On the basis of analysis of design Criterion of shaft washer and housing washer of tandem composite type cylindrical roller thrust bearing, we present a mathematic model for optimal design in accordance with line contact requirement for cylindrical roller and race, design the washers thickness and thickness variation angle by the search algorithm of constrained stochastic direction.
  2. 然后加入一碗半的水,水后加入面线.加入调味料.
    Add in 1 and half bowl of water till it boil, then add in the marinade ingredients.
  3. 摘要提出了一种利用标准齿轮切圆弧齿线圆柱齿轮的数控加工方法。
    The authors proposed a high-efficiency CNC generating method for cylindrical gear with arcuate tooth traces, by means of a standard hob and studied the bobbing mechanism.

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