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 滚筒轴 添加此单词到默认生词本
[油气] drum shaft

  1. 接着对输送机的传动滚筒轴等主要零部件进行了强度校核;
    Next, it is the strength check of drive roller shaft, and other major components.
  2. 这种传动方式的电动机滚筒轴平行,取消了容易损坏的锥齿轮,使传动更加简单。
    This means the motor drive shaft axis parallel with the drum, canceled easy to damage the bevel gears, drive more simple.
  3. 介绍了利用有限元分析软件COSMOS WORKS ,对带式输送机传动滚筒轴进行有限元静力分析的过程。
    This paper introduces us the process of linear analysis of the driving roller shaft with COSMOS/WORKS finite element software.

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