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 滚筒离合器 [gǔn tǒng lí hé qì添加此单词到默认生词本
[机] drum clutch

  1. 链轮。各类流水线滚筒。小五金。轴。齿轮轴。离合器。成形凸轮。紧因件。蜗杆。蜗轮。齿条;
    Helical gears; sprocket. Pipeline various drum. Hardware. Axis. Gear shaft. Clutch . Forming cam. Because of tight. Worm. Worm. Rack; clutch .
  2. 在 各离合器机构的离合器滚筒的内部中的从动板与活塞之间分别设有环状 的母蝶形弹簧以及子蝶形弹簧。
    A driven plate and a cylinder are inside the clutch drum of each clutch mechanism, and ring-shaped primary and secondary springs are placed between the driven plate and the cylinder.

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