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 zoom [zu:m]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 急速上升, 变焦摄影, 嗡嗡声

vi. 猛增, 急速上升, 摄象机移动

vt. 使摄象机移动

[计] 缩放

    [ noun ]
    1. a rapid rise

    2. <noun.event>
    3. the act of rising upward into the air

    4. <noun.act>
    [ verb ]
    1. move along very quickly

    2. <verb.motion> whizz whizz along zoom along
    3. move with a low humming noise

    4. <verb.motion>
    5. rise rapidly

    6. <verb.motion>
      soar soar up soar upwards surge
      the dollar soared against the yen

    1. "I feel bad," said Mrs. Hoffman, watching dozens of skaters zoom around, "because there isn't any place for these kids." For each impressive skateboard move, there is probably an equally impressive scar.
    2. He believes Jaguar's share price could zoom to between #8 and #10 ($12.60 to $15.80).
    3. A sparkling debut from Virtuality, the specialist software producer, saw the shares zoom to a premium of 119p over the listing price of 170p.
    4. The $413 million spacecraft, centerpiece of a $744 million mission, was scheduled to zoom over Venus' north pole and then drop into orbit after it fires its braking rocket at 9:32 a.m. PDT Friday.
    5. Pundits get the jitters as stock prices zoom, But a drop brings predictions of gloom and doom.
    6. Mr. Williams says that after brief market slumps last October and November, the Vienna scene was "every portfolio manager's dream: you buy into a falling market and then see prices zoom." But even Mr. Williams seems cautious nowadays.
    7. Thus, the new lens can reduce the size and weight of binoculars and "zoom" attachments, giving hand-held movie, video and still cameras the same zoom capability achieved by conventional attachments that are now used mainly on tripod-mounted cameras.
    8. Thus, the new lens can reduce the size and weight of binoculars and "zoom" attachments, giving hand-held movie, video and still cameras the same zoom capability achieved by conventional attachments that are now used mainly on tripod-mounted cameras.
    9. The lines on the screen and the 'zoom view' make it possible to take a historical view of a plot of land.
    10. The magnifying glass icon provides 'zoom' with close-up detail. 'We've designed Freelance so that people can get good results in half a hour,' says Steve Jack, European brand manager for graphics at Lotus Development.
    11. Sun Microsystems last week unveiled a family of low-priced Sparcstation computers that can zoom through more than 12 million instructions per second.
    12. Eastern Germans already have seen prices for food and other necessities, kept artificially low by the Communists, zoom to Western levels, even as their salaries have remained about one-third of their wealthier neighbors.
    13. Whatever the promises, there are people like Grimm all over the formerly communist East, hard workers who have been demoralized by losing their jobs and seeing prices of nearly everything zoom upward.
    14. The $795 camera has a short, adjustable handgrip that allows the user to adjust exposure settings, the zoom lens and shutter release with one finger.
    15. Z is for the last word in graphics: zoom in and see the detail.
    16. FAX MACHINE SALES zoom as prices drop and distribution improves.
    17. A camera with a zoom lens and case cost 96,900 yen ($673) at a discount shop in Tokyo against 113,750 yen ($790) in New York.
    18. Banking lawyers, Mr. Fisher said, also are afraid that their malpractice rates will zoom if that theory of liability prevails.
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