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 yank [jæŋk]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 猛拉

vi. 猛拉

    [ noun ]
    1. an American who lives in the North (especially during the American Civil War)

    2. <noun.person>
    3. an American (especially to non-Americans)

    4. <noun.person>
    [ verb ]
    1. pull, or move with a sudden movement

    2. <verb.contact> jerk
      He turned the handle and jerked the door open

    Yank \Yank\, n. [Cf. Scot. yank a sudden and severe blow.]
    A jerk or twitch. [Colloq. U. S.]

    Yank \Yank\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Yanked}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    To twitch; to jerk. [Colloq. U. S.]

    Yank \Yank\, n.
    An abbreviation of {Yankee}. [Slang]

    1. While Fox will yank its new war-adventure series "The Dirty Dozen," it will premiere a less-expensive news-magazine show, "The Reporters," in late July.
    2. The national Republican Senatorial Committee ordered a U.S. Senate candidate to yank a campaign commercial that shows a bloody fetus side by side with Senate Majority Leader Robert Byrd.
    3. Baldwin, who can still yank bank an entire stack on the curl machine, personifies the push to beat the lull in the economy by expanding the market base to middle-aged and elderly people.
    4. Their hands flutter in the air, jingle pocket change, brush foreheads, clamp onto hips, yank at noses.
    5. "You don't simply reach in and yank out a certain number of people in the force.
    6. The renewal announcement came one day after a conservative media watchdog group, which had claimed credit for the show's cancellation, asked the Federal Communications Commission to yank KCET's license.
    7. "Radner needs little provocation to yank up her sweater and show off her newly `fat' stomach, and after eight months of baldness, her unruly brown hair (with a bit of gray at the temples) has grown back in a thick thatch," according to the magazine.
    8. A man was awakened when a stranger jumped into his bed and police followed to yank the intruder out.
    9. Park Director Melvin Miller said that shrubbery seems to be the most popular loot because the plants are easy to yank.
    10. Ever since the Soviet Union said last month that it would yank its troops out of the Caribbean isle, Cuba watchers have been betting on how long Castro will remain in power.
    11. But the effect also is to yank ahead sales that normally would have occurred in the next period.
    12. If nothing in the fall schedule warrants an immediate yank, "Equal Justice" is guaranteed a spot on the spring schedule.
    13. Somehow the strip wouldn't be the same if Charlie actually kicked the football _ or Lucy didn't yank it away.
    14. The average Southerner, the kind the party leaders here hope will vote for their ticket, tend to eschew Mr. Carter's tippets in favor of Trilene 20-pound test that lets you yank them 8-pound hawg bass out of the milfoil and lily pads.
    15. "They have to yank these people out of the cities where they come from and concentrate them in a remote section of a suburban county.
    16. The bar, which regulates attorneys, can yank their licenses for misconduct.
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