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 wrist clonus 添加此单词到默认生词本
【医】 腕阵挛

    Wrist \Wrist\, n. [OE. wriste, wrist, AS. wrist; akin to OFries.
    wriust, LG. wrist, G. rist wrist, instep, Icel. rist instep,
    Dan. & Sw. vrist, and perhaps to E. writhe.]
    1. (Anat.) The joint, or the region of the joint, between the
    hand and the arm; the carpus. See {Carpus}.

    He took me by the wrist, and held me hard. --Shak.

    2. (Mach.) A stud or pin which forms a journal; -- also
    called {wrist pin}.

    {Bridle wrist}, the wrist of the left hand, in which a
    horseman holds the bridle.

    {Wrist clonus}. [NL. clonus, fr. Gr. ?. See {Clonic}.] (Med.)
    A series of quickly alternating movements of flexion and
    extension of the wrist, produced in some cases of nervous
    disease by suddenly bending the hand back upon the

    {Wrist drop} (Med.), paralysis of the extensor muscles of the
    hand, affecting the hand so that when an attempt is made
    to hold it out in line with the forearm with the palm
    down, the hand drops. It is chiefly due to plumbism.
    Called also {hand drop}.

    {Wrist plate} (Steam Engine), a swinging plate bearing two or
    more wrists, for operating the valves.

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