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 wolfish ['wʊlfɪʃ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 狼似的, 贪得无厌的, 残暴的

    [ adj ]
    1. resembling or characteristic (or considered characteristic) of a wolf

    2. <adj.pert>
      ran in wolflike packs
      wolfish rapacity
    3. devouring or craving food in great quantities

    4. <adj.all>
      edacious vultures
      a rapacious appetite
      ravenous as wolves
      voracious sharks

    Wolfish \Wolf"ish\, a.
    Like a wolf; having the qualities or form of a wolf; as, a
    wolfish visage; wolfish designs.
    -- {Wolf"ish*ly}, adv. -- {Wolf"ish*ness}, n.

    1. His is the name anti-federalists utter when they want to frighten the children. Karl Lamers has an appropriately wolfish look about him, with his craggy face and mouth full of teeth.
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