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 wite   添加此单词到默认生词本
[苏]谴责, 非难, 申斥, 归咎

    Wit \Wit\ (w[i^]t), v. t. & i. [inf. (To) {Wit}; pres. sing.
    {Wot}; pl. {Wite}; imp. {Wist(e)}; p. p. {Wist}; p. pr. & vb.
    n. {Wit(t)ing}. See the Note below.] [OE. witen, pres. ich
    wot, wat, I know (wot), imp. wiste, AS. witan, pres. w[=a]t,
    imp. wiste, wisse; akin to OFries. wita, OS. witan, D. weten,
    G. wissen, OHG. wizzan, Icel. vita, Sw. veta, Dan. vide,
    Goth. witan to observe, wait I know, Russ. vidiete to see, L.
    videre, Gr. ?, Skr. vid to know, learn; cf. Skr. vid to find.
    ????. Cf. {History}, {Idea}, {Idol}, {-oid}, {Twit}, {Veda},
    {Vision}, {Wise}, a. & n., {Wot}.]
    To know; to learn. ``I wot and wist alway.'' --Chaucer.

    Note: The present tense was inflected as follows; sing. 1st
    pers. wot; 2d pers. wost, or wot(t)est; 3d pers. wot,
    or wot(t)eth; pl. witen, or wite. The following variant
    forms also occur; pres. sing. 1st & 3d pers. wat, woot;
    pres. pl. wyten, or wyte, weete, wote, wot; imp. wuste
    (Southern dialect); p. pr. wotting. Later, other
    variant or corrupt forms are found, as, in Shakespeare,
    3d pers. sing. pres. wots.

    Brethren, we do you to wit [make you to know] of
    the grace of God bestowed on the churches of
    Macedonia. --2 Cor. viii.

    Thou wost full little what thou meanest.

    We witen not what thing we prayen here.

    When that the sooth in wist. --Chaucer.

    Note: This verb is now used only in the infinitive, to wit,
    which is employed, especially in legal language, to
    call attention to a particular thing, or to a more
    particular specification of what has preceded, and is
    equivalent to namely, that is to say.

    Wite \Wite\, n. [AS. w[=i]te punishment. ????. See {Wite}, v.]
    Blame; reproach. [Obs. or Scot.] --Chaucer.

    Wite \Wite\, v. t. [AS. w[=i]tan; akin to D. wijten, G.
    verweisen, Icel. v[=i]ta to mulct, and E. wit; cf. AS.
    w[=i]tan to see, L. animadvertere to observe, to punish.
    ????. See {Wit}, v.]
    To reproach; to blame; to censure; also, to impute as blame.
    [Obs. or Scot.] --Spenser.

    Though that I be jealous, wite me not. --Chaucer.

    There if that I misspeak or say,
    Wite it the ale of Southwark, I you pray. --Chaucer.

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