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 weeping ['wi:piŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 哭泣, 流泪

a. 哭泣的, 滴水的, 泪汪汪的, 下雨的, 多雨的, 垂枝的

[化] 漏液; 漏液现象

  1. His wound is weeping.
  2. A period or fit of weeping. Often used in the plural.
  3. Her eyes were red with weeping.

[ noun ]
  1. the process of shedding tears (usually accompanied by sobs or other inarticulate sounds)

  2. <noun.act>
    I hate to hear the crying of a child
    she was in tears
[ adj ]
  1. showing sorrow

  2. <adj.all>
  3. having branches or flower heads that bend downward

  4. <adj.all>
    nodding daffodils
    the pendulous branches of a weeping willow
    lilacs with drooping panicles of fragrant flowers

Weep \Weep\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Wept} (w[e^]pt); p. pr. & vb.
n. {Weeping}.] [OE. wepen, AS. w[=e]pan, from w[=o]p
lamentation; akin to OFries. w?pa to lament, OS. w[=o]p
lamentation, OHG. wuof, Icel. [=o]p a shouting, crying, OS.
w[=o]pian to lament, OHG. wuoffan, wuoffen, Icel. [oe]pa,
Goth. w[=o]pjan. [root]129.]
1. Formerly, to express sorrow, grief, or anguish, by outcry,
or by other manifest signs; in modern use, to show grief
or other passions by shedding tears; to shed tears; to

And they all wept sore, and fell on Paul's neck.
--Acts xx. 37.

Phocion was rarely seen to weep or to laugh.

And eyes that wake to weep. --Mrs. Hemans.

And they wept together in silence. --Longfellow.

2. To lament; to complain. ``They weep unto me, saying, Give
us flesh, that we may eat.'' --Num. xi. 13.

3. To flow in drops; to run in drops.

The blood weeps from my heart. --Shak.

4. To drop water, or the like; to drip; to be soaked.

5. To hang the branches, as if in sorrow; to be pendent; to
droop; -- said of a plant or its branches.

Weeping \Weep"ing\, n.
The act of one who weeps; lamentation with tears; shedding of

Weeping \Weep"ing\, a.
1. Grieving; lamenting; shedding tears. ``Weeping eyes.''
--I. Watts.

2. Discharging water, or other liquid, in drops or very
slowly; surcharged with water. ``Weeping grounds.''

3. Having slender, pendent branches; -- said of trees; as,
weeping willow; a weeping ash.

4. Pertaining to lamentation, or those who weep.

{Weeping cross}, a cross erected on or by the highway,
especially for the devotions of penitents; hence, to
return by the weeping cross, to return from some
undertaking in humiliation or penitence.

{Weeping rock}, a porous rock from which water gradually

{Weeping sinew}, a ganglion. See {Ganglion}, n., 2. [Colloq.]

{Weeping spring}, a spring that discharges water slowly.

  1. Thousands gathered in the snow, weeping and clutching flowers, to file past the open caskets.
  2. Anatoly Gromyko, who heads a Kremlin think tank on African affairs, shook his head solemnly as he held the hand of his weeping mother.
  3. Readers asked for laws to ban parents who bring their weeping babies into church, slow drivers, and husbands who snore.
  4. The ad will run in reverse sequence, with scenes of mourners at a cemetery, a hearse carrying a casket and a woman weeping by her husband's hospital bed.
  5. After the men were killed, witnesses said the cortege continued toward Milltown Cemetery with some people weeping and trembling as they walked.
  6. And earnings at the hot companies often show the type of short-term sizzle that leaves investors gasping on the way up and weeping on the way down.
  7. He handed tissues to weeping mourners.
  8. Several Moslems, inside and outside the mosque, began weeping as Farooq read the Koran.
  9. About 3,000 people, including weeping police officers and firefighters, jammed a memorial service Sunday for seven children whose lives ended suddenly when a tornado tore into their elementary school.
  10. Mrs. Sims _ sometimes weeping, sometimes angry _ told the Madison County Circuit Court jury and a packed courtroom that prosecution witnesses had been terribly mistaken when they said she didn't like female babies.
  11. "There are too many bullet holes in blue suits," DeConcini said. "There are too many women weeping over coffins.
  12. Women in black chadors flanked by weeping children camped out in public squares, afraid to return to their homes in case of aftershocks.
  13. They entertained often at their grand home, sitting peacefully on the sprawling estate filled with weeping willows, walnut and pine trees and a babbling brook.
  14. Television footage showed weeping relatives crowding a Hualien police station.
  15. Family and friends Monday buried an 8-year-old boy shot to death during a deranged woman's rampage, struggling to make sense of a death so tragic that "we know that God is weeping," a rabbi said.
  16. The demonstrators, many of them weeping, were lifted by police and carried to a waiting van.
  17. In Stevenson's version, the housemaid is glimpsed only briefly, weeping loudly at the sight of Dr. Jekyll's soliciter, who has been summoned to the house to investigate possible foul play by Mr. Hyde.
  18. The television showed weeping mourners gripping a metal grille built around the structure, trying to touch and kiss the shrine, which they consider sacred.
  19. I also saw a weeping child, Blue, handling the leukemia.
  20. "On the black box, you hear the pilot say he made a mistake with the course, and then his desperate weeping," O Globo quoted the investigating official as saying.
  21. They met the Little Tramp while playing on the streets of Switzerland and he became their biggest fan, weeping as the Gypsies played their traditional songs.
  22. Tonkovich, his eyes red with tears, had his arm around his weeping wife, Nancy, as they left the courtroom.
  23. "I understand that not only these women are weeping today, there are probably many more weeping in the Soviet Union," said Farooq Azam, an official of the mujahedeen government.
  24. "I understand that not only these women are weeping today, there are probably many more weeping in the Soviet Union," said Farooq Azam, an official of the mujahedeen government.
  25. The copy: "He said: 'Sweat is the body's way of weeping with desire.'
  26. At the Islamabad airport, weeping relatives walked in a measured pace to meet the plane carrying the body of the president, who was 64 and a devout Moslem.
  27. A woman wailing and weeping was taken to the mobile hospital when she fainted.
  28. Thousands of men and women, weeping, beating their chests and waving at the crowd, lined the streets.
  29. Mr Herbert Werner, a 40-year-old restaurant manager, was weeping with disappointment.
  30. Ludicrously so was the encounter session, or some such gathering, of middle-class American women who we saw weeping (literally) over the sins of the big, nasty drug industry.
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