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 wateriness ['wɒtәrinis]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 多水, 稀薄, 平淡

    [ noun ]
    1. the wetness of ground that is covered or soaked with water

    2. <noun.state>
      the baseball game was canceled because of the wateriness of the outfield
      the water's muddiness made it undrinkable
      the sloppiness of a rainy November day
    3. meagerness or poorness connoted by a superfluity of water (in a literary style as well as in a food)

    4. <noun.attribute>
      the haziness and wateriness of his disquisitions
      the wateriness of his blood
      no one enjoys the burning of his soup or the wateriness of his potatoes
    5. the property of resembling the viscosity of water

    6. <noun.attribute>

    Wateriness \Wa"ter*i*ness\, n.
    The quality or state of being watery; moisture; humidity.

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