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 watchmaker ['wɒtʃ,meikә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 钟表匠

    [ noun ]
    someone who makes or repairs watches

    Watchmaker \Watch"mak`er\, n.
    One whose occupation is to make and repair watches.

    1. Born Lynn Ridgway, the daughter of a small-town watchmaker, she always hoped to make her living drawing.
    2. They were originally meant to read "Post Paid" but the reportedly poor-sighted watchmaker who engraved the plate for the stamps used the words "Post Office" instead.
    3. Perrin disclosed Cartier hopes within the next year to gain a controlling interest in Ebel S.A., another Swiss watchmaker.
    4. Today, analysts say SMH and Hattori Seiko Co. of Japan are running neck and neck for the title of the world's No. 1 watchmaker.
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