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 warren ['wɔrin]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 养兔场, 拥挤的地区

  1. He lives in a warren of narrow twisting old streets.
  2. One who owns or keeps a rabbit warren.

[ noun ]
  1. United States writer and poet (1905-1989)

  2. <noun.person>
  3. United States jurist who served as chief justice of the United States Supreme Court (1891-1974)

  4. <noun.person>
  5. a series of connected underground tunnels occupied by rabbits

  6. <noun.object>
  7. an overcrowded residential area

  8. <noun.location>
  9. a colony of rabbits

  10. <noun.group>

Warren \War"ren\ (w[o^]r"r[e^]n), n. [OF. waresne, warenne,
garene, F. garenne, from OF. warer, garer, to beware, to take
care; of Teutonic origin; cf. OHG. war[=o]n (in comp.), OS.
war[=o]n to take care, to observe, akin to E. wary.
[root]142. See {Wary}.]
1. (Eng Law)
(a) A place privileged, by prescription or grant the king,
for keeping certain animals (as hares, conies,
partridges, pheasants, etc.) called beasts and fowls
of warren. --Burrill.
(b) A privilege which one has in his lands, by royal grant
or prescription, of hunting and taking wild beasts and
birds of warren, to the exclusion of any other person
not entering by his permission. --Spelman.

They wend both warren and in waste. --Piers

Note: The warren is the next franchise in degree to the park;
and a forest, which is the highest in dignity,
comprehends a chase, a park, and a free warren.

2. A piece of ground for the breeding of rabbits.

3. A place for keeping flash, in a river.

  1. "They wiped me out," said Roy Rogers, the warren's owner.
  2. In the narrow, tourist-packed warren of alleyways that make up the vast Khan al-Khalili market, artisans and merchants were making and selling everything imaginable at a furious pace.
  3. It is a warren of stairs and wooden-floored offices, full of character and tradition, but lacking the efficiency of a modern office block. Digital will continue to keep its headquarters in Maynard.
  4. Police said 17 people were killed and 49 wounded in house-to-house fighting in south Beirut, a warren of narrow alleys, tin-roofed huts and concrete-block apartments that covers 16 square miles next to the Beirut airport.
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