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 vesicular [vi'sikjulә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. (具)囊的, 有泡的, 由泡形成的

[医] 囊状的, 泡状的, 水疱的

    [ adj ]
    of or relating to or involving vesicles
    normal vesicular breathing

    Vesicular \Ve*sic"u*lar\, a. [Cf. F. v['e]siculaire.]
    1. Of or pertaining to vesicles; esp., of or pertaining to
    the air vesicles, or air cells, of the lungs; as,
    vesicular breathing, or normal breathing, in which the air
    enters freely the air vesicles of the lungs.

    2. Containing, or composed of, vesicles or vesiclelike
    structures; covered with vesicles or bladders; vesiculate;
    as, vesicular coral; vesicular lava; a vesicular leaf.

    3. Having the form or structure of a vesicle; as, a vesicular

    {Vesicular column} (Anat.), a series of nerve cells forming
    one of the tracts distinguished in the spinal; -- also
    called the {ganglionic column}.

    {Vesicular emphysema} (Med.), emphysema of the lungs, in
    which the air vesicles are distended and their walls

    {Vesicular murmur} (Med.), the sound, audible on auscultation
    of the chest, made by the air entering and leaving the air
    vesicles of the lungs in respiration.

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