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 versifier ['vә:sifaiә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 诗人, 将散文改成韵文的人, 拙劣诗人

    [ noun ]
    a writer who composes rhymes; a maker of poor verses (usually used as terms of contempt for minor or inferior poets)

    Versifier \Ver"si*fi`er\, n.
    1. One who versifies, or makes verses; as, not every
    versifier is a poet. --Dryden.

    2. One who converts into verse; one who expresses in verse
    the ideas of another written in prose; as, Dr. Watts was a
    versifier of the Psalms.

    1. Doubtless he was, as they told me, a roisterous soul and dubious versifier.
    2. This is a reference to the German, Fritz Haber, who was a prolific versifier and is here shown developing chemical weapons.
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