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 vault [vɒ:lt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 拱顶, 窖, 地下室, 撑竿跳, 穹窿

vt. 做成圆拱形, 撑竿跳过

vi. 成穹状弯曲, 跳跃

[医] 穹隆

[经] (银行等的)保管库

    [ noun ]
    1. a burial chamber (usually underground)

    2. <noun.artifact>
    3. a strongroom or compartment (often made of steel) for safekeeping of valuables

    4. <noun.artifact>
    5. an arched brick or stone ceiling or roof

    6. <noun.artifact>
    7. the act of jumping over an obstacle

    8. <noun.act>
    [ verb ]
    1. jump across or leap over (an obstacle)

    2. <verb.motion> overleap
    3. bound vigorously

    4. <verb.motion>

    Vault \Vault\ (v[add]lt; see Note, below), n. [OE. voute, OF.
    voute, volte, F. vo[^u]te, LL. volta, for voluta, volutio,
    fr. L. volvere, volutum, to roll, to turn about. See
    {Voluble}, and cf. {Vault} a leap, {Volt} a turn, {Volute}.]
    1. (Arch.) An arched structure of masonry, forming a ceiling
    or canopy.

    The long-drawn aisle and fretted vault. --Gray.

    2. An arched apartment; especially, a subterranean room, use
    for storing articles, for a prison, for interment, or the
    like; a cell; a cellar. ``Charnel vaults.'' --Milton.

    The silent vaults of death. --Sandys.

    To banish rats that haunt our vault. --Swift.

    3. The canopy of heaven; the sky.

    That heaven's vault should crack. --Shak.

    4. [F. volte, It. volta, originally, a turn, and the same
    word as volta an arch. See the Etymology above.] A leap or
    bound. Specifically:
    (a) (Man.) The bound or leap of a horse; a curvet.
    (b) A leap by aid of the hands, or of a pole, springboard,
    or the like.

    Note: The l in this word was formerly often suppressed in

    {Barrel vault}, {Cradle vault}, {Cylindrical vault}, or
    {Wagon vault} (Arch.), a kind of vault having two parallel
    abutments, and the same section or profile at all points.
    It may be rampant, as over a staircase (see {Rampant
    vault}, under {Rampant}), or curved in plan, as around the
    apse of a church.

    {Coved vault}. (Arch.) See under 1st {Cove}, v. t.

    {Groined vault} (Arch.), a vault having groins, that is, one
    in which different cylindrical surfaces intersect one
    another, as distinguished from a barrel, or wagon, vault.

    {Rampant vault}. (Arch.) See under {Rampant}.

    {Ribbed vault} (Arch.), a vault differing from others in
    having solid ribs which bear the weight of the vaulted
    surface. True Gothic vaults are of this character.

    {Vault light}, a partly glazed plate inserted in a pavement
    or ceiling to admit light to a vault below.

    Vault \Vault\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Vaulted}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Vaulting}.] [OE. vouten, OF. volter, vouter, F. vo[^u]ter.
    See {Vault} an arch.]
    1. To form with a vault, or to cover with a vault; to give
    the shape of an arch to; to arch; as, vault a roof; to
    vault a passage to a court.

    The shady arch that vaulted the broad green alley.
    --Sir W.

    2. [See {Vault}, v. i.] To leap over; esp., to leap over by
    aid of the hands or a pole; as, to vault a fence.

    I will vault credit, and affect high pleasures.

    Vault \Vault\, v. i. [Cf. OF. volter, F. voltiger, It. volt?re
    turn. See {Vault}, n., 4.]
    1. To leap; to bound; to jump; to spring.

    Vaulting ambition, which o'erleaps itself. --Shak.

    Leaning on his lance, he vaulted on a tree.

    Lucan vaulted upon Pegasus with all the heat and
    intrepidity of youth. --Addison.

    2. To exhibit feats of tumbling or leaping; to tumble.

    1. The acquisition would vault Cincinnati-based Future Now into the ranks of the nation's top 10 computer resellers, with pro forma 1991 sales volume of approximately $350 million.
    2. About 100 weapons, including machine guns, are normally stored in the vault, but only the semi-automatic rifles were stolen.
    3. Eight valuable postage stamps that have been locked in a vault for 14 years because East and West Germany both claimed ownership will be turned over to the united government, the Customs Service said Wednesday.
    4. K.K. Chang sits in a bank vault signing his name as many as 16,000 times a day to approve the transfer of customers' share certificates.
    5. After keeping it for four years in a bank vault, Jones is eager to sell it.
    6. When the trophy is hoisted into the air in Los Angeles on July 17, we will know whether it is easier to vault the Rio Grande than the Atlantic. In the last 20 years, South American World Cups have been better than those in Europe.
    7. Harney said museum officials were always confident the diamond was safe inside the vault but feared they may have to drill through the door if it hadn't opened on its own Saturday morning.
    8. Surrounded by scattered body parts, otherworldly bliss illuminating their faces, the two remaining saints look ready to vault into the heavens.
    9. A smoky fire of undetermined origin wrecked an underground vault containing two transformers and switching equipment Wednesday, cutting electricity to much of the city's retail, financial and hotel core and closing numerous businesses.
    10. He said Thursday that the packet of crack is back in the evidence vault at the DEA's Washington field office to be used as evidence in court, when and if a prosecution is made.
    11. Frozen food thawed, elevators wouldn't budge and air conditioners were useless during one of the hottest weeks in city history after service was cut Wednesday by a fire in an underground transformer and switching vault.
    12. The maker of files, safes and vault doors said the committee viewed the offer as "inadequate."
    13. The area affected was bigger than, and included, the section that was without power during a similar transformer vault fire in August 1988.
    14. They were freed when a bank employee called her husband from a phone hidden in the vault and gave him its combination, said Betty Johnson, an administrative officer for the state banking department.
    15. (He tries to vault the table, and fails.) When Solveig (Catherine White) arrives, quiet and soft-spoken with haunting Meryl Streep cheekbones, she is shyly luminous.
    16. He calls that exhumation "bungled" and disparagingly compares it to Geraldo Rivera's opening of Al Capone's empty vault on prime time television.
    17. Michael Johnson said a man wearing a hood met the employees as they entered the First Federal Bank of Michigan branch in Perry in central Michigan shortly before 9 a.m. When the vault opened, the gunman took an undetermined amount of money.
    18. The bank had acknowledged the artifacts are in the vault. Fitzwater has ordered the bank to allow representatives of the church to inventory and photograph the artifacts.
    19. Executives notify IBM they're in trouble and retrieve critical backup tapes from a vault or storage site sometimes as far as 1,000 miles away.
    20. In 1986, the Lexington drew attention when television's Geraldo Rivera blasted open a sealed basement chamber billed as Capone's secret vault in a live TV broadcast.
    21. In the next step, the U.S. would vault an improved early-warning system into space, one that could distinguish "friendly and unfriendly objects."
    22. In the meantime, by court order, the silver will remain where it is: In a storage vault, hidden somewhere in New York City.
    23. "I felt old tonight," said Johnson, whose 10th place in the Olympic all-around at Seoul was the U.S.'s best, and who won a silver medal in the vault at the 1989 World Championships.
    24. The vault contains three transformers and three cables.
    25. The sultan blamed the theft on carelessness by police and museum officials and said he had ordered that all Royal regalia be kept in a bank vault.
    26. The office, operated by Helverlin, handles mail distribution of Patti's records, tapes and T-shirts, but master recordings of Patti's albums survived in a vault.
    27. They spent only five minutes in forcing staff to open a vault, loading the cash into a stolen van and making their getaway.
    28. In 1986, when he opened Al Capone's secret vault on live television, the vault was embarrassingly empty _ but the show was the highest-rated syndicated special ever.
    29. In 1986, when he opened Al Capone's secret vault on live television, the vault was embarrassingly empty _ but the show was the highest-rated syndicated special ever.
    30. Instead of meeting Mrs. Reagan as planned by the outside door of the gallery, Mrs. Gorbachev had come to the special vault where they were to view the art and talked at length with the press corps.
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