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 vapor bath 添加此单词到默认生词本
【医】 蒸汽浴

    vapor bath
    [ noun ]
    1. a room that can be filled with steam in which people bathe; `vapour bath' is a British term

    2. <noun.artifact>
    3. you sweat in a steam room before getting a rubdown and cold shower

    4. <noun.act>

    Vapor \Va"por\, n. [OE. vapour, OF. vapour, vapor, vapeur, F.
    vapeur, L. vapor; probably for cvapor, and akin to Gr. ?
    smoke, ? to breathe forth, Lith. kvepti to breathe, smell,
    Russ. kopote fine soot. Cf. {Vapid}.] [Written also
    1. (Physics) Any substance in the gaseous, or a["e]riform,
    state, the condition of which is ordinarily that of a
    liquid or solid.

    Note: The term vapor is sometimes used in a more extended
    sense, as identical with gas; and the difference
    between the two is not so much one of kind as of
    degree, the latter being applied to all permanently
    elastic fluids except atmospheric air, the former to
    those elastic fluids which lose that condition at
    ordinary temperatures. The atmosphere contains more or
    less vapor of water, a portion of which, on a reduction
    of temperature, becomes condensed into liquid water in
    the form of rain or dew. The vapor of water produced by
    boiling, especially in its economic relations, is
    called steam.

    Vapor is any substance in the gaseous condition
    at the maximum of density consistent with that
    condition. This is the strict and proper meaning
    of the word vapor. --Nichol.

    2. In a loose and popular sense, any visible diffused
    substance floating in the atmosphere and impairing its
    transparency, as smoke, fog, etc.

    The vapour which that fro the earth glood [glided].

    Fire and hail; snow and vapors; stormy wind
    fulfilling his word. --Ps. cxlviii.

    3. Wind; flatulence. [Obs.] --Bacon.

    4. Something unsubstantial, fleeting, or transitory; unreal
    fancy; vain imagination; idle talk; boasting.

    For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that
    appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth
    away. --James iv.

    5. pl. An old name for hypochondria, or melancholy; the
    blues. ``A fit of vapors.'' --Pope.

    6. (Pharm.) A medicinal agent designed for administration in
    the form of inhaled vapor. --Brit. Pharm.

    {Vapor bath}.
    (a) A bath in vapor; the application of vapor to the body,
    or part of it, in a close place; also, the place
    (b) (Chem.) A small metallic drying oven, usually of
    copper, for drying and heating filter papers,
    precipitates, etc.; -- called also {air bath}. A
    modified form is provided with a jacket in the outside
    partition for holding water, or other volatile liquid,
    by which the temperature may be limited exactly to the
    required degree.

    {Vapor burner}, a burner for burning a vaporized hydrocarbon.

    {Vapor density} (Chem.), the relative weight of gases and
    vapors as compared with some specific standard, usually
    hydrogen, but sometimes air. The vapor density of gases
    and vaporizable substances as compared with hydrogen, when
    multiplied by two, or when compared with air and
    multiplied by 28.8, gives the molecular weight.

    {Vapor engine}, an engine worked by the expansive force of a
    vapor, esp. a vapor other than steam.

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