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 upward ['ʌpwәd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 向上的

ad. 以上

    [ adv ]
    1. spatially or metaphorically from a lower to a higher position

    2. <adv.all>
      look up!
      the music surged up
      the fragments flew upwards
      prices soared upwards
      upwardly mobile
    3. to a later time

    4. <adv.all>
      they moved the meeting date up
      from childhood upward
    [ adj ]
    1. directed up

    2. <adj.all>
      the cards were face upward
      an upward stroke of the pen
    3. extending or moving toward a higher place

    4. <adj.all>
      the up staircase
      a general upward movement of fish

    Upward \Up"ward\, a. [AS. upweard. See {Up}, and {-ward}.]
    Directed toward a higher place; as, with upward eye; with
    upward course.

    Upward \Up"ward\, n.
    The upper part; the top. [Obs.]

    From the extremest upward of thy head. --Shak.

    Upward \Up"ward\, Upwards \Up"wards\, adv. [AS. upweardes. See
    {Up-}, and {-wards}.]
    1. In a direction from lower to higher; toward a higher
    place; in a course toward the source or origin; -- opposed
    to downward; as, to tend or roll upward. --I. Watts.

    Looking inward, we are stricken dumb; looking
    upward, we speak and prevail. --Hooker.

    2. In the upper parts; above.

    Dagon his name, sea monster, upward man,
    And down ward fish. --Milton.

    3. Yet more; indefinitely more; above; over.

    From twenty years old and upward. --Num. i. 3.

    {Upward of}, or {Upwards of}, more than; above.

    I have been your wife in this obedience
    Upward of twenty years. --Shak.

    1. The Tokyo Stock Exchange's key index plunged after nervous fluctuations today, while the dollar continued its upward trend against the Japanese yen.
    2. If it upsets the gilts market, this will put upward pressure on mortgage rates. In the discount market the Bank of England dispatched a shortage of Pounds 750m without difficulty.
    3. If upward momentum fails, however, profit-taking could drag the dollar down toward 1.56 marks and 135 yen before buyers reappear, Mr. Standing said.
    4. But they were still looking for rates to resume an upward climb next year.
    5. Mr. Stoltenberg said the decision to revalue the currencies upward wasn't caused by economic factors but was a response to recent speculation.
    6. But mostly it is gone, sold over the winter as prices edged upward and the weak dollar encouraged exports.
    7. For that person, the prospect is "onward and upward," he declares.
    8. The index opened 6.6 points down on nervousness ahead of the release of the earnings figures and amid worries about upward pressures on interest rates worldwide.
    9. The news was interpreted as a fresh signal that the economy was beginning to lose the momentum that has created upward pressure on inflation and interest rates in recent months.
    10. The company said it is comfortable with Alex. Brown & Sons' second-quarter earnings estimate of 20 cents a share, revised upward Tuesday from 17 cents.
    11. But share prices resumed the upward path when the Dow Industrial Average opened with a gain of 9 points in UK trading hours. The final reading put the FT-SE Index at 2,552.0 for a gain on the day of 12.1 points.
    12. "Since central bankers are always buyers of last resort, they typically come into the market only after the currency has plunged and interest rates have adjusted upward significantly," he says.
    13. Traders said the stock and bond markets showed little immediate reaction to an upward revision in third-quarter Gross National Product and to a report showing corporate profits declined 7.2 percent in the July-September period.
    14. The upward revision in the GNP for the fourth quarter made growth for the entire year look slightly better.
    15. Mortgage rates have moved upward since early April, when they rose sharply in response to a prime rate increase, the falling dollar and general volatility in financial markets.
    16. Many of these cyclical stocks won't have earnings increases to propel them upward until the economy begins to build up steam again.
    17. "Earnings are making solid gains and it looks like the upward trend will continue," says Robert Boaz, Manager of Economics at stockbroker Midland Doherty Ltd.
    18. The restaurant began the lunch promotion two years ago but stopped when oil prices began inching upward.
    19. Inflation will decline because of "the continuing stiff business competition, both domestic and international, that squeezes profit margins and keeps businesses from exerting upward pressure on prices.
    20. The Japanese economy, meanwhile, has been growing faster than expected, putting upward pressure on prices.
    21. The government said its chief economic forecasting gauge dropped a sharp 0.6 percent in January, but an upward revision in the Index of Leading Economic Indicators for December eased fears of an imminent recession.
    22. Some of Wall Street's recent gains have come from its own upward momentum as investors have jumped into the market to avoid missing the rally.
    23. Sanifill rose 3/4 to 20 3/4, after revising its first-quarter earnings upward to reflect an acquisition.
    24. Analysts said the March report showed that housing is feeling the pinch of interest rates pushed upward by the Federal Reserve Board as part of its campaign to restrain the economy and check inflation.
    25. The aorta emerges from the left ventricle _ the heart's main pumping chamber _ passes upward and arches over the top of the heart, then passes down behind the heart and into the abdomen.
    26. One Finance Ministry official said the country's trade surplus is "definitely headed for a period of gradual decline, although it may show occasional upward fluctuations."
    27. Ten years ago: The prime rate _ the interest rate charged by commercial banks to lowest-risk corporate customers _ rose to 20 percent, continuing an unprecedented upward climb.
    28. "The trend of earnings is sharply upward, and in March the company operated profitably for the first time in 10 months."
    29. The faster recovery would continue next year, without putting upward pressure on inflation, now just under 3 per cent.
    30. Seasoned, fixed-coupon Eurodollar paper closed unchanged to up 1/8 point, getting some support from an upward move in U.S. Treasury markets.
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