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 unwary [,ʌn'wєәri]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 不谨慎的, 不注意的, 粗心的, 易上当的

    [ adj ]
    not alert to danger or deception
    the shrieks of unwary animals taken by surprisesome thieves prey especially on unwary travelers
    seduce the unwary reader into easy acquiescence

    Unwary \Un*wa"ry\, a. [Cf. {Unware}.]
    1. Not vigilant against danger; not wary or cautious;
    unguarded; precipitate; heedless; careless.

    2. Unexpected; unforeseen; unware. [Obs.] --Spenser.

    1. But having an ally able to grease the wheels - and palms - is also essential to get things done in many countries. Even then, pitfalls await the unwary newcomer.
    2. While many of these ventures are completely legitimate, some have allegedly bilked the unwary of large amounts.
    3. And it retains traps that are sure to increase the tax bills of the unwary.
    4. Like the worthless deeds offered by hucksters to unwary immigrants, the Russian bonds were considered for years to be worth little more than the paper they were printed on, of interest only to collectors.
    5. Pickpockets prey on the unwary in a bruising din of radios, stereos, televisions, video players and Nintendos.
    6. But many experts on mutual-fund investing say the unwary can incur a needless tax problem if they put new money into a fund when a distribution is about to be made.
    7. Instead of dispersing risk, the LMX spiral served to concentrate it, but no one at Lloyd's seemed to worry. Though LMX business looked very profitable, enticing unwary Names into syndicates, it was persistently underpriced in view of the risks.
    8. Open water leads in the ice can force time-consuming detours, or swallow an unwary team.
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