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 unpleasantness [ʌn'plɛzn.tnɪs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 不愉快, 煞风景, 不愉快事件, 争执

    [ noun ]
    1. the feeling caused by disagreeable stimuli; one pole of a continuum of states of feeling

    2. <noun.feeling>
    3. the quality of giving displeasure

    4. <noun.attribute>
      the recent unpleasantness of the weather

    Unpleasant \Un*pleas"ant\, a.
    Not pleasant; not amiable or agreeable; displeasing;
    offensive. -- {Un*pleas"ant*ly}, adv. -- {Un*pleas"ant*ness},

    1. "Only now, with a somewhat aberrant number, has the full unpleasantness and horror of the story become apparent."
    2. "And that sometimes involves a little unpleasantness."
    3. "We can handle any unpleasantness that comes up with our citizens, but we don't want to get into the middle of an international incident." Mercifully, the mayor's office has promised to build 11 downtown parking lots.
    4. There are many difficult experiences in life whose unpleasantness can be ameliorated by having a little outside "protection."
    5. The Internal Revenue Service is about to get some free advice from a group of college students on how to reduce the confusion and unpleasantness that go hand in hand with paying federal income taxes.
    6. I'll bet all of them, like so many of us who have entered the workplace in the past 30 years, have an unsavory story of sexual mistreatment or unpleasantness at work.
    7. At one point, the 81-year-old Davenport finds herself unable to use the word AIDS, instead saying "the great unpleasantness." A long-time character in the strip, Andy Lippincott, has developed AIDS.
    8. Naturally, she doesn't have to endure the unpleasantness of pregnancy: She inherits the adorable infant from a cousin who conveniently died with his wife.
    9. They oppose warfare (or even unpleasantness) against their own class because it might result in losing a few bucks.
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