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 undeclared [,ʌndi'klєәd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 未申报的, 未宣布的

    [ adj ]
    not announced or openly acknowledged
    fighting an undeclared war

    1. In the spotlight is undeclared Sen. Howell Heflin, D-Ala., whose vote could put Lucas over the top.
    2. In south Beirut's slums, the undeclared truce held, but officials feared it would not last in the absence of a political settlement of the power struggle that has raged for nine months.
    3. Its 26 declared and several undeclared candidates held the largest rallies in the campaign, including one in Amman attended by about 5,000 people.
    4. Police surrounded the house Friday evening and Delvalle's telephones were cut, leaving him incommunicado and under an undeclared house arrest.
    5. "Under current law, civilians cannot be required to stay on jobs during mobilization, hostile action or an undeclared war," the auditors wrote.
    6. But today's violence is a bewildering maze of declared and undeclared wars that have so weakened Colombia's democracy that even candidates say the fact elections are taking place is a triumph.
    7. It will be difficult." The report also said Israel has "a substantial, undeclared nuclear arsenal," which includes more sophisticated weapons than previously thought.
    8. Mengistu said the U.S. government refused to impose sanctions on South Africa but was "imposing an undeclared embargo" on Ethiopia.
    9. Black money can be the undeclared fortune won on the stock market, and the interest that fortune earns in the bank.
    10. Mr Rolf Ekeus, chairman of the commission charged with dismantling Iraqi armaments, said undeclared ballistic missile materials were found at two sites even as discussions were taking place with Iraqi officials in Baghdad last weekend.
    11. A generation ago, a Democratic administration and an overwhelmingly Democratic Congress clashed in the dispute that gave rise to the rest _ the undeclared war in Vietnam.
    12. "Turkey is living in an undeclared war," says Turkish nationalist leader Alpaslan Turkes.
    13. Thirty-six Republicans said they would vote "yes" for Tower, 38 Democrats say they would vote "no," 25 senators were undecided or undeclared and one senator refused to answer.
    14. Almost all the ingredients of Vietnam were present in Korea _ East Asia, an undeclared, limited war, a conflict between northern communists and a southern republic, and American war technology against a determined but ill-equipped foe.
    15. But unionists are also worried about possible abuse. Few argue that abuse is avoidable in an undeclared war against paramilitaries.
    16. In 1983, some officials of the Rotterdam bank were arrested in an investigation of a scheme to hide undeclared assets for depositors, according to Rolf de Groot, a public prosecutor in Rotterdam at the time.
    17. This allows the seller to reap enormous, undeclared profits and the local real-estate agents to underdeclare their commissions.
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