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 uncovered [,ʌn'kʌvәd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 无遮盖的, 未戴帽子的, 未保险的

[经] 无担保的, 未补进的(空头), 未保险的

    [ adj ]
    not covered with clothing
    her exposed breast

    Uncover \Un*cov"er\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Uncovered}; p. pr. &
    vb. n. {Uncovering}.] [1st pref. un- + cover.]
    1. To take the cover from; to divest of covering; as, to
    uncover a box, bed, house, or the like; to uncover one's

    2. To show openly; to disclose; to reveal. ``To uncover his
    perjury to the oath of his coronation.'' --Milton.

    3. To divest of the hat or cap; to bare the head of; as, to
    uncover one's head; to uncover one's self.

    1. Previously only fragments of such an animal had been uncovered, the report said.
    2. Excavation began four years ago when a backhoe, clearing land for a house, uncovered a graveyard.
    3. The Philippine military said it had uncovered a plot by communist guerrillas to kill retired U.S. Maj. Gen.
    4. Prosecutors have said their current case does not depend on any evidence that might be uncovered during the investigation of the site.
    5. The prosecutor said the misappropriation was uncovered through evidence obtained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Labor Department's office of labor racketeering.
    6. Spear points, arrowheads and flakes from toolmaking were uncovered while developers were bulldozing land for a subdivision in 1988.
    7. Prior to the rocket incident, Tokyo police said they had uncovered a plan by the extremist Middle Core Faction to use an ultra-light plane for a bomb attack on the Imperial Palace in hopes of thwarting the Okinawa visit.
    8. A huge property group teetered on the brink of collapse. Retailers warned that there were few signs of life in the high street. Dividends were cut or paid uncovered.
    9. The government this week said it had uncovered two training camps for the guerrilla group, which it said had about 225 members.
    10. Meanwhile, the Bophuthatswana black homeland said it detained 44 ANC members this week after authorities uncovered an alleged ANC plot to overthrow homeland leader Lucas Mangope.
    11. Ms. Stieber first reported in November that three doctors in Santa Fe and Los Alamos had uncovered an unusual connection between their patients and L-tryptophan.
    12. Justice Department documents unsealed late last month said a department investigation had uncovered "substantial evidence of serious and sustained misconduct" in St Germain's dealings with financial industry lobbyists.
    13. Tales of overpriced porcelain and rich rubber are only the latest from investigators who uncovered the recent Pentagon acquisitions of $999 pliers and $117 soap dish covers.
    14. Officials have uncovered what they believe to be shortcomings in current law and regulations concerning pacemakers.
    15. The problems were uncovered by Hutton's new head fixed-income trader, Mark Kessenich, and further exposed by a general review of all Hutton's securities products, Mr. Rittereiser said.
    16. A newspaper reported today that police uncovered a plot to kill President Bush during his visit here next week, but government officials said the report was unfounded.
    17. One of the major problems uncovered was in identification of the original farmer, feedlot operator or other livestock producer that have been found to be in violation of the federal residue levels.
    18. Liu Binyan, a reporter and writer whose stories uncovered official corruption and inefficiency, was a winner of Harvard University's prestigious Nieman Fellowship, his wife Zhu Hong said. She said he will leave Friday.
    19. Since last July, the bodies have turned up one-by-one, uncovered by highways workers, passersby and police dogs sniffing 40 miles of roads.
    20. Meanwhile, police in Dublin said they had uncovered a cache of weapons, including 30 Soviet-made Kalashnikov semi-automatic rifles, in a makeshift bunker beaneath a shed at Malahide in the city's northern outskirts.
    21. A brief announcement from the General Prosecutor's office carried by Romanian dailies in March said state security bodies had "uncovered a grave action of betrayal of the interests of the Romanian people and state" by Raceanu.
    22. So far, 34 bodies have been uncovered in the freeway rubble. Oakland police said some 85 people are listed as missing.
    23. DSC said it also disagreed that additional reviews of its financial statements were needed after the revenue-recognition problem was uncovered in 1985.
    24. He had been on administrative lockdown, confined to his cell 23 hours a day, since a purported Hofmann plot against Pardons Board members was uncovered.
    25. 'They have overstated profits, have an uncovered dividend and an unsustainable share price.' Enterprise lost no time in fighting back.
    26. "We uncovered it, investigated it internally and turned it over to federal authorities," said Martin spokesman Chip Manor on Monday.
    27. The federal criminal investigation office in Wiesbaden said the drug deal was one of the largest uncovered in recent years.
    28. The accident occurred in an uncovered, concrete-lined pit with one sloping side allowing waste to slide to the bottom.
    29. Federal officials seized 830 cases of Kraft cheese slices from a manufacturing plant here after a routine inspection uncovered animal hair in one sample.
    30. The decision was the result of new information immigration officials uncovered about the family, Ferro said. "In this case, the negative aspects (of granting a parole) far outweighed the evidence on their behalf," he said.
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