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 unawares [,ʌnә'wєәz]   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 出其不意地, 没想到, 不料, 不知不觉地

    [ adv ]
    1. without forethought or plan; inadvertently

    2. <adv.all>
      came upon the diamond unawares
    3. suddenly and unexpectedly

    4. <adv.all>
      rain caught them unawares
      sorrow comes to all, and to the young it comes with bittered agony because it takes them unawares
    5. at a disadvantage

    6. <adv.all>
      I was caught short

    Unawares \Un`a*wares"\, adv.
    Without design or preparation; suddenly; without
    premeditation, unexpectedly. ``Mercies lighting unawares.''
    --J. H. Newman.

    Lest unawares we lose
    This our high place, our sanctuary, our hill. --Milton.

    {At unaware}, or {At unawares}, unexpectedly; by surprise.

    He breaks at unawares upon our walks. --Dryden.

    So we met
    In this old sleepy town an at unaware. --R.

    1. In September, the company announced losses at the interim stage, catching the market unawares. The share price decreased rapidly and 10 directors bought a total of 125,000 at 144p.
    2. Jesper Koll, an analyst at S.G. Warburg Securities Ltd., said the raids caught the market unawares.
    3. In an unusual step, the CIA too denied being caught unawares.
    4. Wall Street's renewed surge caught London unawares on Tuesday and, with the institutions mostly out of the market ahead of the year-end, share prices were left to the marketmakers.
    5. One trader reported that changes to margin rules had caught some people unawares and that other technical teething problems had had some effect on trading.
    6. All unawares, I reached the Wigmore Hall on Friday evening just in time for the interval; my newly repaired watch had somehow mislaid an hour during the afternoon.
    7. But people have seen in him the image of the perfect sportsman; and, taken unawares by his smiling genius, by the irruption into the lives of a Boy's Own hero, the most jaded of observers has begun again to dream.
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