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 unappropriated 添加此单词到默认生词本

    Unappropriated \Un`ap*pro"pri*a`ted\, a. [Pref. un- not +
    1. Not specially appropriate; having not special application.
    --J. Warton.

    2. Not granted to any person, corporation, or the like, to
    the exclusion of others; as, unappropriated lands.

    3. Not granted for, or applied to, any specific purpose; as,
    the unappropriated moneys in the treasury.

    1. The Anti-Deficiency Act is intended to prevent unauthorized and unappropriated activities in the name of the federal government.
    2. But the White House budget office has limited agencies' flexibility and issued stern warnings about the criminal penalties that managers face if they expend unappropriated funds.
    3. The only option, she said, was unappropriated groundwater in Nevada.
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