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 unaffected [,ʌnә'fektid]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 不矫揉造作的, 自然的, 未受影响的, 未被感动的

[经] 不受影响的

    [ adj ]
    1. undergoing no change when acted upon

    2. <adj.all>
      entirely unaffected by each other's writings
      fibers remained apparently unaffected by the treatment
    3. emotionally unmoved

    4. <adj.all>
      always appeared completely unmoved and imperturbable
    5. free of artificiality; sincere and genuine

    6. <adj.all>
      an unaffected grace
    7. unaware of or indifferent to

    8. <adj.all>
      insensible to the suffering around him

    Unaffected \Un`af*fect"ed\, a.
    1. Not affected or moved; destitute of affection or emotion;

    A poor, cold, unspirited, unmannered,
    Unhonest, unaffected, undone fool. --J. Fletcher.

    2. Free from affectation; plain; simple; natural; real;
    sincere; genuine; as, unaffected sorrow.
    -- {Un`af*fect"ed*ly}, adv. --
    {Un`af*fect"ed*ness}, n.

    1. Prices of the bonds were virtually unaffected by the quake. Mutual fund operators said they received few panicky calls from investors in California-based municipal bond funds, and almost none of the investors pulled out.
    2. They said the thin market was largely unaffected by the congressional testimony of Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan.
    3. Cates wouldn't discuss details of Pursell's proposed legislation, but existing JOAs likely would be unaffected.
    4. Crude oil production of about 650,000 barrels of oil a day was unaffected.
    5. It assumes that private saving is unaffected by a massive tax increase.
    6. Wall Street was largely unaffected by a sharp drop overnight in Tokyo, where the key Nikkei stock index plunged nearly 5 percent to its lowest level in three years.
    7. BT is likely to pay an additional Pounds 200m into its pension fund next year, but earnings will be unaffected.
    8. The current Howitzer gun deal apparently remained unaffected by the decision as neither Singh nor the Defense Ministry referred to it.
    9. But the EC countries - which have made no secret of their annoyance at this oversight - are balking. The one person who is unaffected is President George Bush who has yet to say whether he will be coming to Rio at all.
    10. These concerns were separately incorporated and regulated, and so were largely unaffected by the collapse of BCCI's main banking operations.
    11. They claimed there has been a loophole in the crackdown, with most deluxe or hotel massage parlors unaffected.
    12. "If the mail is any indication, there's some very strong feelings about the matter both ways," he said, adding he expects a difficult search for jurors unaffected by publicity.
    13. Sterling finished in London nearly a pfennig higher at DM2.5559, from DM2.5471. The dollar was relatively unaffected yesterday by the German rate reduction and the release of a raft of promising economic data.
    14. Mental health experts who have examined Melissa say she appears to be unaffected by the legal storm around her.
    15. An upper deck, soaring so high above the drawbridge it would be unaffected as the span was opened and closed, might keep some of the traffic moving.
    16. Shell and other companies say their spending is on course, unaffected by short-term price declines.
    17. They say daily life continues largely unaffected for the 65,000 Jewish residents of the occupied territories.
    18. For one thing, her heart-tugging high soprano prompts epithets like 'natural' and 'unaffected', when it is nothing so simple as that.
    19. The short-term interest rate differential with Germany has disappeared and the country was unaffected by last autumn's currency turmoil.
    20. The other item cited by the auditors, the troubled Vogtle nuclear power plant in Burke County, Ga., is a much larger investment and is unaffected by the current proposed transaction.
    21. The company has eight non-union plants in the Northwest unaffected by the walkout, Bartels said.
    22. Four oiled bird carcasses were found on the beach, while sea lions and a fox seen on the island appeared unaffected, he said.
    23. While large parts of the city were unaffected, the Upper East Side and the Bronx were clogged with huge traffic jams as the blackout shut off traffic signals.
    24. But Mr. Smith's Los Angeles-based lawyer, Kenneth Hertz, shot down the rumor as "ridiculous" and said the talks, which are preliminary, were "totally unaffected."
    25. The show is unaffected by the writers' strike because the production company has an independent contract with the Writers Guild.
    26. Southern California Edison spokesman Keith Sheldon said the utility's pipeline was unaffected by the incident.
    27. "It is to be feared that not a single black Mauritanian will be unaffected by the measures," Senegal's acting foreign minister said in letter to the U.N. security council.
    28. Discovery of a fertilized Medfly in a previously unaffected San Fernando Valley suburb prompted agriculture officials to schedule aerial pesticide spraying over the infested 12-square-block area next Monday.
    29. But she said both the image advertising and the recent ads stating views on the market have largely been unaffected by October's market plunge.
    30. Of the major honey producing states, only California and North Dakota so far remain unaffected by the mites, whose scientific name is Varroa jacobsoni.
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