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 transpacific [,trænspә'sifik]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 横渡太平洋的, 太平洋彼岸的

    1. Tiger's competitive position has been hurt by a recent increase in transpacific air cargo service by other companies.
    2. The transpacific takeover battle between Dainippon Ink & Chemicals Inc. and Reichhold Chemicals Inc. heated up, as Dainippon indicated it might sweeten its $473 million hostile bid and Reichhold said it is stepping up efforts to find other buyers.
    3. Delta Air Lines and All Nippon Airways recently began service on the lucrative transpacific route that has been called JAL's "doru bako" (dollar box), and American Airlines will follow suit next month.
    4. And, because Sapporo would be able to negotiate air rights with foreign governments, it would become a hub for transpacific flights.
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