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 trailer ['treilә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 追踪者, 拖车

[电] 拖车

    [ noun ]
    1. someone who takes more time than necessary; someone who lags behind

    2. <noun.person>
    3. an advertisement consisting of short scenes from a motion picture that will appear in the near future

    4. <noun.communication>
    5. a large transport conveyance designed to be pulled by a truck or tractor

    6. <noun.artifact>
    7. a wheeled vehicle that can be pulled by a car or truck and is equipped for occupancy

    8. <noun.artifact>

    Trailer \Trail"er\, n.
    One who, or that which, trails.

    Trailer \Trail"er\, n.
    1. a wheeled vehicle without a motor, designed to be drawn by
    a motor vehicle in front of it; specifically:
    (a) such a vehicle used on street railroads. Called also
    {trail car}.
    (b) the large wheeled wagon or van pulled by a tractor in
    a tractor-trailer combination.
    (c) a vehicle equipped as a mobile dwelling unit, pulled
    by an automobile or other mtor vehicle, and used as a
    dwelling when parked; -- also called a {mobile home}.
    (d) A wheeled motorless open wagon designed to carry a
    heavy object, such as a boat trailer.

    2. (Movies) A short blank segment of movie film attached to
    the end; -- used for convenient insertion of the film in a

    3. (Movies) A short film consisting primarily of one or more
    short portions of a film, used in promotions or
    advertisements shortly before initial release of a film.

    4. A part of an object which extends some distance beyond the
    main body of the object; as, the trailer of a plant.

    {trailer park}. An area equipped to accommodate trailers[2],
    often with outlets supplying electrical power and water.
    Called also {trailer camp}, {trailer court}.

    1. Two trailer parks were evacuated, Iberville Parish officials said.
    2. The trailer jackknifed and turned over so that the rig ended up skidding sideways, blocking both northbound lanes and the shoulder, Williams said.
    3. A few miles south, down a gravel road near the community of Lane, George Bradshaw and his two mentally handicapped sons live in a trailer roofed by a plastic tarp, without electricity, drawing water from a pump up the road.
    4. Back in the chase car, we drove around some more, got stuck in a ditch, enlisted the aid of a local farmer to get out the trailer hitch and pull us out of the ditch.
    5. In Oklahoma City, high winds destroyed a mobile home in the Sherwood Homes trailer park, said authorities, who could not confirm reports of a tornado.
    6. It isn't tied down or anything," Bill Gibson, 58, said as he hauled away a 12-foot-long branch that had fallen from a tree next to his undamaged trailer house in Venice, near the mouth of the Mississippi River.
    7. The average short-term trailer fleet was 14 per cent ahead, with utilisation maintained at 83 per cent. The size of the contract hire fleet, which contributes 40 per cent of revenue, had been maintained.
    8. Their house trailer less than two miles from the derailment was filled with acrid smoke, Looney said.
    9. The family had just moved the trailer to the area Monday, neighbors said.
    10. He has six loaded shotguns in the small trailer where he lives and he carefully locks his doors.
    11. A double-wide mobile home and a metal shop were the only buildings left standing in the trailer park, which was strewn with fragments of buildings and overturned automobiles.
    12. "We were pulling these people off the top of their campers and trailer homes," said Sam Marshall, civil defense coordinator for the area.
    13. In Budapest, refugees gathered near a brown-and-white trailer of the East German Embassy towed into place across the road from their camp.
    14. The Wrights took it back to pasture in a trailer.
    15. That he offered temporary shelter to two animals in a decrepit horse trailer near the shack in which he lives was the immediate cause of the sheriff's horse roundup, officials say.
    16. In the quiet Pleasure Lake community, where houses and mobile homes cluster around a fish pond crowded with cypress, some neighbors had a feeling something was wrong at the secondhand Jackson trailer.
    17. Three firefighters arrived with a pumper truck at 3:45 a.m. Knabe said they noticed another fire in the construction trailer and called for more help.
    18. He said they lived in California motels and trailer parks during the period.
    19. The car brought $18,500 Wednesday at an auction that included sale of 74 state vehicles and a boat and trailer.
    20. No one was injured, but Reymont said 20 to 25 trailer homes, two vans, a small boat and a car were damaged, many only slightly.
    21. Shots were fired at the trailer Oct. 31, said "60 Minutes" spokesman Roy Brunett.
    22. Currently, 18 states and the District of Columbia allow anyone licensed to drive an automobile to drive a tractor trailer, the department said.
    23. Fifteen to 20 families were evacuated from trailer homes in low-lying areas of Tallapoosa County and floods destroyed half the county's cotton crop, authorities said.
    24. Five adults, including the driver of the tractor trailer truck, suffered serious to critical injuries and were taken to Benedictine Hospital in Kingston, Tompkins said.
    25. A tornado swept through a trailer home park early Thursday, injuring 24 people, including a boy who witnesses said was freed by a man who managed to lift the corner of the mobile home that had pinned him down.
    26. "We were pulling these people off the top of their campers and trailer homes," said Sam Marshall, civil defense coordinator.
    27. The added weight and length of a trailer alters driving conditions, he says.
    28. John and Frances Lambert of Renfrew, Ontario, have been staying in the PTL trailer park for about three weeks.
    29. She said she took her brother to the trailer residence on Feb. 2.
    30. A reevaluation of the "mobile kitchen trailer."
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