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 toss [tɒs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 投掷, 抛, 摇摆, 震荡, 掷钱币决定

vt. 投掷, 猛抬, 摇荡, 使不安, 掷钱币决定

vi. 被到处扔, 摇摆, 颠簸, 辗转, 掷钱币决定某事

    [ noun ]
    1. the act of flipping a coin

    2. <noun.act>
    3. (sports) the act of throwing the ball to another member of your team

    4. <noun.act>
      the pass was fumbled
    5. an abrupt movement

    6. <noun.act>
      a toss of his head
    [ verb ]
    1. throw or toss with a light motion

    2. <verb.contact> flip pitch sky
      flip me the beachball
      toss me newspaper
    3. lightly throw to see which side comes up

    4. <verb.motion>
      I don't know what to do--I may as well flip a coin!
    5. throw carelessly

    6. <verb.contact>
      chuck the ball
    7. move or stir about violently

    8. <verb.motion>
      convulse jactitate slash thrash thrash about thresh thresh about
      The feverish patient thrashed around in his bed
    9. throw or cast away

    10. <verb.possession>
      cast aside cast away cast out chuck out discard dispose fling put away throw away throw out toss away toss out
      Put away your worries
    11. agitate

    12. <verb.contact>
      toss the salad

    Toss \Toss\, n.
    1. A throwing upward, or with a jerk; the act of tossing; as,
    the toss of a ball.

    2. A throwing up of the head; a particular manner of raising
    the head with a jerk. --Swift.

    Toss \Toss\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Tossed} ; (less properly
    {Tost} ); p. pr. & vb. n. {Tossing}.] [ W. tosiaw, tosio, to
    jerk, toss, snatch, tosa quick jerk, a toss, a snatch. ]
    1. To throw with the hand; especially, to throw with the palm
    of the hand upward, or to throw upward; as, to toss a

    2. To lift or throw up with a sudden or violent motion; as,
    to toss the head.

    He tossed his arm aloft, and proudly told me,
    He would not stay. --Addison.

    3. To cause to rise and fall; as, a ship tossed on the waves
    in a storm.

    We being exceedingly tossed with a tempest. --Act
    xxvii. 18.

    4. To agitate; to make restless.

    Calm region once,
    And full of peace, now tossed and turbulent.

    5. Hence, to try; to harass.

    Whom devils fly, thus is he tossed of men.

    6. To keep in play; to tumble over; as, to spend four years
    in tossing the rules of grammar. [Obs.] --Ascham.

    {To toss off},
    (a) to drink hastily.
    (b) to accomplish easily or quickly.
    (c) to say in an offhand manner; as, to toss off a
    (d) to masturbate; -- British slang.

    {To toss the cars}.See under Oar, n.

    Toss \Toss\, v. i.
    1. To roll and tumble; to be in violent commotion; to write;
    to fling.

    To toss and fling, and to be restless, only frets
    and enrages our pain. --Tillotson.

    2. To be tossed, as a fleet on the ocean. --Shak.

    {To toss for}, to throw dice or a coin to determine the
    possession of; to gamble for.

    {To toss up}, to throw a coin into the air, and wager on
    which side it will fall, or determine a question by its
    fall. --Bramsion.

    1. On the bridge, he rolled down his window and tried to toss Mr. Prozumenshikov's $16,000 Rolex watch into the river below.
    2. "He told me where the wire cutters and gloves were left, where he left them," said Ed Schock, his father. "I can't say if he was alone, but I think he did it." Police said a witness saw Schock toss an object over the armory fence and run.
    3. Bush said the toss was his mother's "first major league performance.
    4. Bingo, target shooting, ring toss and other games keep the picnic going until the dance starts at 8 p.m.
    5. Yankee Stadium in the Bronx, however, is the only ballpark to report a knife toss.
    6. For the second time in four years, a coin toss decided a deadlocked election for a trustee seat.
    7. Park the latest General Motors Corp. concept truck near Waikiki Beach and someone may toss a worn-out lei in the back.
    8. Congressional Quarterly researched the issue recently and found that voters did indeed toss members out in droves when they passed big pay increases in 1816 and 1873.
    9. Two prairie pioneer clans are inviting one and all to their first joint reunion, where activities include a watermelon-seed spitting contest, men's hammer throw and women's skillet toss.
    10. A crowd, estimated at 150 at its peak, began to toss rocks and bottles at the officers.
    11. Dry the apples, slice them and toss them with the remaining 3oz sugar and the rest (5oz) of the elderberries.
    12. Season them with sea salt, pepper and a good squeeze of lemon and toss them in enough olive oil to make the shells glisten all over.
    13. She resigned from the committee after she decided to toss her hat in the ring.
    14. It means that when you take a Russian scholar to dinner at a hard-currency restaurant, not only are you escorting him past a guard who would otherwise toss him out by his lapels, you are paying for the meal with currency equal to 18 months of his salary.
    15. It's time for other lawmakers to follow Metzenbaum's lead and toss the NRA monkey off their backs.
    16. Their captain is one of the Illingworth clan, born in Lancaster, now a police officer in South Island. She is naturally competitive but it never occurred to her when she won the toss that by putting England in to bat she might be giving them a nice start.
    17. Previously, competitors had continuously to flip a pancake in a pan as they ran, but nowadays only a toss at the start and finish is required.
    18. The latest craze is for lenders to toss billions of dollars at corporate raiders of some of America's biggest companies.
    19. One favorite: Give rice extra bounce by cooking it with water and chicken bouillon cubes. Then toss in tiny frozen peas.
    20. The toss of a coin gave senior Belgian diplomat Pierre Champenoy the job of EC foreign policy co-ordinator after EC foreign ministers split on whom to appoint.
    21. Another U.S. Navy diver, Clinton Suggs, was on the plane and testified he heard the hijackers shoot Stethem and toss him onto the runway still moaning.
    22. Anderson has gotten so good at the games, he wins a new toy just about every time he toes the line at the ring toss or milk can game.
    23. The appeal will automatically toss the program onto a second budget track in which the increased spending will be competing with other programs that are bidding for higher spending.
    24. He had praise for Hal Markowitz, a U.S. behavioral enrichment pioneer who installed a machine to toss meatballs into a serval's cage, but added that he believes more naturalistic tools should be explored.
    25. Police in Glendale were looking for two young men after witnesses said they saw one of them toss a butane lighter from a moving car into the brush off the road where the fire started, said Chris Gray, a Glendale Fire Department battalion chief.
    26. Still clinging to concerns for their sovereignty and traditions, the 12 EC states each have at least one or two items in the 1992 agenda that they would like to toss out the window and are reluctant to give way on.
    27. You can't just toss out hundreds of thousands of Jews.' However, a significant part of Israeli opinion has long dissented from the drive to settle.
    28. Have the definitions and rules changed? Old-timers will tell you that to toss out the old rules and the traditional assumptions is a step toward disaster.
    29. If the Daedalus pilot does run out of steam, though, he can toss a line to a chase boat, which in theory will be able to keep the aircraft aloft by pulling it to shore like a giant kite.
    30. The difference is that, in the past, the law was a throwaway one: Everyone knew the Bird court would toss out the statute.
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