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 tip [tip]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 顶, 尖端, 梢, 末端, 倾斜, 垃圾场, 小费, 轻击, 指点, 秘密消息

vt. 装顶端, 使倾斜, 使翻倒, 泄露, 告诫, 暗示, 给...小费, 轻击

vi. 倾斜, 翻倒, 倾覆, 踮脚走, 给小费

[计] 终端接口处理器, 提示, 技巧

[医] 尖, 端; 耳轮尖

  1. This manual is full of useful tips.
  2. The arrows had been tipped with poison.

tipped, tipping
[ noun ]
  1. the extreme end of something; especially something pointed

  2. <noun.location>
  3. a relatively small amount of money given for services rendered (as by a waiter)

  4. <noun.possession>
  5. an indication of potential opportunity

  6. <noun.communication>
    he got a tip on the stock market
    a good lead for a job
  7. a V shape

  8. <noun.shape>
    the cannibal's teeth were filed to sharp points
  9. the top or extreme point of something (usually a mountain or hill)

  10. <noun.location>
    the view from the peak was magnificent
    they clambered to the tip of Monadnock
    the region is a few molecules wide at the summit
[ verb ]
  1. cause to tilt

  2. <verb.motion>
    tip the screen upward
  3. mark with a tip

  4. <verb.change>
    tip the arrow with the small stone
  5. give a tip or gratuity to in return for a service, beyond the compensation agreed on

  6. <verb.possession> bung fee
    Remember to tip the waiter
    fee the steward
  7. cause to topple or tumble by pushing

  8. <verb.motion>
    topple tumble
  9. to incline or bend from a vertical position

  10. <verb.motion>
    angle lean slant tilt
    She leaned over the banister
  11. walk on one's toes

  12. <verb.motion>
    tippytoe tiptoe
  13. strike lightly

  14. <verb.contact>
    He tapped me on the shoulder
  15. give insider information or advise to

  16. <verb.communication>
    tip off
    He tipped off the police about the terrorist plot
  17. remove the tip from

  18. <verb.change>
    tip artichokes

Tip \Tip\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Tipped}; p. pr. & vb. n.
To form a point upon; to cover the tip, top, or end of; as,
to tip anything with gold or silver.

With truncheon tipped with iron head. --Hudibras.

Tipped with jet,
Fair ermines spotless as the snows they press.

Tip \Tip\, n. [Akin to D. & Dan. tip, LG. & Sw. tipp, G. zipfel,
and probably to E. tap a plug, a pipe.]
1. The point or extremity of anything; a pointed or somewhat
sharply rounded end; the end; as, the tip of the finger;
the tip of a spear.

To the very tip of the nose. --Shak.

2. An end piece or part; a piece, as a cap, nozzle, ferrule,
or point, applied to the extreme end of anything; as, a
tip for an umbrella, a shoe, a gas burner, etc.

3. (Hat Manuf.) A piece of stiffened lining pasted on the
inside of a hat crown.

4. A thin, boarded brush made of camel's hair, used by
gilders in lifting gold leaf.

5. Rubbish thrown from a quarry.

Tip \Tip\, v. t. [Cf. LG. tippen to tap, Sw. tippa, and E. tap
to strike gently.]
1. To strike slightly; to tap.

A third rogue tips me by the elbow. --Swift.

2. To bestow a gift, or douceur, upon; to give a present to;
as, to tip a servant. [Colloq.] --Thackeray.

3. To lower one end of, or to throw upon the end; to tilt;
as, to tip a cask; to tip a cart.

{To tip off}, to pour out, as liquor.

{To tip over}, to overturn.

{To tip the wink}, to direct a wink; to give a hint or
suggestion by, or as by, a wink. [Slang] --Pope.

{To tip up}, to turn partly over by raising one end.

Tip \Tip\, v. i.
To fall on, or incline to, one side. --Bunyan.

{To tip off}, to fall off by tipping.

Tip \Tip\, n. [See {Tip} to strike slightly, and cf. {Tap} a
slight blow.]
1. A light touch or blow; a tap.

2. A gift; a douceur; a fee. [Colloq.]

3. A hint, or secret intimation, as to the chances in a horse
race, or the like. [Sporting Cant]

  1. Ruderman's ruse was the tip of a still-widening probe of illegal trading in which various brokers, printers and others paid for the "Inside Wall Street" column the day before its publication.
  2. In Munich, the Ifo institute said the steel settlement was too high, though it would not tip the economy into recession.
  3. "What we're seeing is probably just the tip of the iceberg," says Jesse Brill, a securities lawyer with Dean Witter Reynolds Inc. in San Francisco.
  4. But state securities regulators said they think these are only the tip of the iceberg.
  5. The alleged contamination by Coors was first disclosed early this year by a Colorado television station after receiving a tip.
  6. Finley expects Europeans to generate 80 percent of the business at Flamingo Lodge at the southern tip of the Everglades in the mosquito-swarming months of July and August.
  7. Because of poor visibility at Alert, a refueling stop on the northern tip of Ellesmere Island, the Canadians were stranded at Eureka, 300 miles south.
  8. About 260 students were evacuated from Andrews Hall on Sunday after police received an anonymous tip alleging explosives were in Borchelt's third-floor room, Coker said.
  9. Sinhalese extremists killed two candidates for the the district council election scheduled for next Thursdy in the southern region of this tea and spice island off the tip of India.
  10. That's when a tip by an employee led bank auditors once again to review the administration department and discover a false billing scheme for bogus construction work.
  11. It was about 28 miles off Ramsgate on the southeast tip of England, the British Broadcasting Corp. said.
  12. A tip from Salcido's sister and brother-in-law in Mexico also helped authorities find him, the San Francisco Chronicle reported today, citing unidentified U.S. diplomatic and law enforcement sources.
  13. Thunder Bay Detective Ron Arthurs, pursuing the tip, interviewed Ms. Bembenek on Wednesday at the restaurant where she had worked since July 23.
  14. Republican Party chairman Lee Atwater offered the opposition a grudging tip of his hat.
  15. A scientific vessel leased by the U.S. National Geographic Foundation ran aground on a tiny island Thursday at the southern tip of South America, the Argentine Coast Guard said.
  16. The ship was carrying supplies including jet fuel, gasoline and canisters of compressed gases to the Argentine Esperanza station near the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula, it said.
  17. FBI agents acting on an anonymous tip peacefully captured one of the agency's 10 most wanted fugitives, a killer sought in three kidnappings since his escape from a Louisiana prison 19 months ago, authorities said.
  18. Her body was unearthed in April by police acting on an anonymous tip more than five months after Sinks reported her missing.
  19. The microscope has a single-atom tip that, when energized by a tiny electric current, can trace the atomic surface contours of many materials.
  20. It took the four Canadians and nine Soviets 91 days to ski about 1,075 miles from the northernmost tip of the Soviet Union to Ellesmere Island in the Canadian Arctic, where they left the shifting ice pack on Wednesday.
  21. Teachers Insurance & Annuity Association, a major institutional investor, has agreed to buy 17 State Street, a new office tower on the tip of Manhattan.
  22. But the Japanese know he is not a con artist or even a clever cabby angling for a bigger tip (the Japanese don't tip taxi drivers).
  23. But the Japanese know he is not a con artist or even a clever cabby angling for a bigger tip (the Japanese don't tip taxi drivers).
  24. Television said the results were slow coming in from isolated villages in the mountainous republic, located at Yugoslavia's southernmost tip and bordered by Albania, Greece and Bulgaria.
  25. However, it "is probably only the tip of the iceberg" when it comes to computer crime, he said.
  26. The wire tip is as small as a shaft of the pin," the artist said.
  27. One proposal, for example, would require restaurateurs and other employers to pay payroll taxes on the total tip income earned by employees; currently, employers are liable for tax only on the portion of tips equal to the federal minimum wage.
  28. The state agriculture commissioner had an accident with a lawn mower Saturday and cut off the tip of the ring finger on his left hand.
  29. Around 60 people were reported missing while in the custody of the South African security forces, "but this is just the tip of the iceberg," said an Amnesty spokeswoman, speaking on condition of anonymity.
  30. "The concerned caller that gave us the tip that allowed us to recover the baby is very deserving of the reward and we'll see that she gets that reward," said Little Rock Police Chief Louis Caudell.
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