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 timer ['taimә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 计时员, 计时器

[计] 计时器

[化] 定时器; 计时器; 时间继电器

[医] 定时器, 时计, 限时器

    [ noun ]
    1. a timepiece that measures a time interval and signals its end

    2. <noun.artifact>
    3. (sports) an official who keeps track of the time elapsed

    4. <noun.person>
    5. a regulator that activates or deactivates a mechanism at set times

    6. <noun.artifact>

    Timer \Tim"er\, n.
    1. A timekeeper; especially, a watch by which small intervals
    of time can be measured; a kind of stop watch. It is used
    for timing the speed of horses, machinery, etc.

    2. (Internal-combustion Engines) In electric ignition, an
    adjustable device for automatically timing the spark.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    1. He wants a judge to let him activate a timer with his mouth to turn off a ventilator he has used since his neck was broken in a 1985 motorcycle accident.
    2. Around 1:30 p.m., they set a 10-minute timer, climbed aboard a waiting speedboat and sped away from the barge before the charge went off.
    3. General Electric spokesman Dwight Weber said Monday night that failure of the timer valves would not have caused an engine to go out.
    4. Murphy said in his decision that expert testimony would be required at trial to determine decibel levels as well as the mechanical feasibility of installing a timer to shut off the chimes late at night.
    5. Well over half of American homes installed videocassette recorders, giving people the freedom to do what they wanted and still catch their favorite movies or programs on their terms. Forget to set the timer?
    6. Success for a shared-time CFO means getting fired when the client gets big enough to need a full timer.
    7. It was his fourth of the day, and it came in front of a breeze that was recorded on the field timer at 1.7 meters per second.
    8. NBC reported a witness told investigators that Hartwig showed off a $15 timer available in hobby stores and said that if it were rigged to a battery it could set off the ship's gunpowder and start a chain of explosions.
    9. Town officials shut the bell off entirely because they couldn't afford a timer.
    10. "The timer industry lobby has a national agenda as they grab the wealth of public lands, operating from a national power base in Congress," said Mark Winstein of Save America's Forests, a grassroots organization that sponsored the demonstration.
    11. Add potatoes and set timer for five minutes.
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