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 thirsty ['θә:sti]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 口渴的, 渴望的, 干燥的

    thirstier, thirstiest
    [ adj ]
    1. feeling a need or desire to drink

    2. <adj.all>
      after playing hard the children were thirsty
    3. needing moisture

    4. <adj.all>
      thirsty fields under a rainless sky
    5. (usually followed by `for') extremely desirous

    6. <adj.all>
      athirst for knowledge
      hungry for recognition
      thirsty for informaton
    7. able to take in large quantities of moisture

    8. <adj.all>
      thirsty towels

    Thirsty \Thirst"y\, a. [Compar. {Thirstier}; superl.
    {Thirstiest}.] [AS. ?urstig. See {Thirst}, n.]
    1. Feeling thirst; having a painful or distressing sensation
    from want of drink; hence, having an eager desire.

    Give me, I pray thee, a little water to drink, for I
    am thirsty. --Judges iv.

    2. Deficient in moisture; dry; parched.

    A dry and thirsty land, where no water is. --Ps.
    lxiii. 1.

    When in the sultry glebe I faint,
    Or on the thirsty mountain pant. --Addison.

    1. Most of these, however, now choose the turbo-diesel, not the thirsty petrol V8 which is the only one with automatic transmission.
    2. The Everglades will disappear if the melaleuca tree is not curbed, but an experimental herbicide program could help stop the spread of the thirsty Australian import, experts said Tuesday.
    3. They never went hungry, but they went one or two days without water. "We were so thirsty we were licking the sides of the containers," he said.
    4. The 1949 film, starring Gordon Jackson (left) and James Robertson Justice, immortalised the story of thirsty islanders who plundered the wreck and thwarted officialdom.
    5. Only when full power is demanded does it force more fuel-air mix into the cylinders. A heavy-footed driver can, of course, make a turbo-charged car very thirsty indeed.
    6. Its 2,157 cc four-cylinder engine produces a remarkable 185 horsepower and is said to be significantly less thirsty than that of equally potent rivals.
    7. But according to Mr Diaz, they are wasting the scarce resource of water by growing thirsty crops like rice and sugar-cane. 'Peru's coast has the great advantage that, because there's no rain, irrigation is man-managed.
    8. "If you are thirsty, then you pay whatever the beer costs," says Andre Keller, a 27-year-old machinist at the chemical factory.
    9. "When we travel we want a good size car and lots of trunk space," said Webb, a retiree who says the Marquis fits the bill although its city mileage is a thirsty 17 mpg.
    10. The crop struggled then withered on Minnesota's thirsty prairie, the upper section of America's breadbasket.
    11. Apparently, Gorbachev wasn't thirsty enough.
    12. A tidal wave of European influence was flooding through the Middle East in the 19th century, and fashionable society in Iran was thirsty for images of the Western way of life.
    13. "I was very thirsty," he says.
    14. Latin American Securities says last week's successful placements of Bancomer and Sears show that the market is still thirsty for new paper.
    15. Rainfall is so light that Horace honoured the region with the epithet siticulosae - thirsty.
    16. That makes it particularly attractive to roaches, which become hungry and thirsty when the temperature rises.
    17. Ms. Mallorca said the man complained of thirst in his final days and became delirious. "He said: `I'm very very thirsty.
    18. An open can of stale soda waited nearby in case Honey grew thirsty.
    19. It was about as fast as current Spitfires but it was very thirsty.
    20. California's fourth year of unyielding drought is stirring fears that a continuing shortage could pit thirsty city dwellers against agriculture, the state's No. 1 industry and biggest water user.
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