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 textile ['tekstail]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 纺织品, 纺织业

a. 织的, 纺织的

[经] 纺织品

  1. Their main exports are textiles, especially silk and cotton.
  2. I got a job in a textile factory.

[ noun ]
  1. artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers

  2. <noun.artifact>
    the fabric in the curtains was light and semitransparent
    woven cloth originated in Mesopotamia around 5000 BC
    she measured off enough material for a dress
[ adj ]
  1. of or relating to fabrics or fabric making

  2. <adj.pert>
    textile research

Textile \Tex"tile\, a. [L. textilis, fr. texere to weave: cf. F.
textile. See {Text}.]
Pertaining to weaving or to woven fabrics; as, textile arts;
woven, capable of being woven; formed by weaving; as, textile

{Textile cone} (Zo["o]l.), a beautiful cone shell ({Conus
textilis}) in which the colors are arranged so that they
resemble certain kinds of cloth.

Textile \Tex"tile\, n.
That which is, or may be, woven; a fabric made by weaving.

  1. Then, in effect, they'd split up the New York-based textile giant, forgoing a continuation of a costly bidding contest.
  2. During discussions over limiting textile imports, Mr. Sato told President Nixon, "Zensho shimasu," a phrase that can mean anything from "I'll look after the matter" to "There is no way I'll do it."
  3. Similarly, the textile maker Burlington Industries Inc.'s 13 7/8% bonds of 2000, which had traded at 85 cents on the dollar as recently as Aug. 10, slipped to 81 cents by last Friday.
  4. These matters include tentative rules on industrial subsidies, on tighter anti-dumping controls and on investment, and a plan for bringing textile trade, which has been governed by a separate agreement, under the GATT framework.
  5. As children, both had emigrated from Italy with their parents who came here to work in the textile mills.
  6. Most Jews are tradesmen at the region's bustling country fairs and markets and some own textile factories, Belmonte's economic mainstay.
  7. Lantor is a textile manufacturer formed by West Point and Tootal in 1956.
  8. The textile industry in Slovenia contributes more than 7 per cent to the republic's GDP and employs more than 50,000 people.
  9. Burlington Industries wants to retire up to $445 million of the textile concern's bonds at cut-rate terms.
  10. Arriving about sunrise, he works Sunday through Friday at an Israeli textile factory.
  11. The first of his machines, made by Bonas Griffith, his textile machinery company, arrived on Lewis last year. The new loom permits much finer patterns such as subtle checks.
  12. Solidarity leader Lech Walesa appealed for unity Wednesday when he addressed 7,000 supporters at the union's first legal rally in this central textile center in seven years.
  13. Willie plowed $10 million into a new textile mill to make denim, but in an industry plagued by excess denim-manufacturing capacity, the new plant turned into an expensive albatross.
  14. The Clothing and Textile Workers union expects its membership to stay at about 284,000 this year, mostly because of more textile and apparel jobs.
  15. And there are no textile quotas for any industrialized countries except Japan.
  16. Five directors sold shares recently, but the previous co-ordinated sales have been shrugged off by the market. William Baird, the textile group, has enjoyed a tremendous run since the announcement of results at the beginning of April.
  17. Wyeth invented 25 processes and products that spanned a wide range, including plastics, textile fibers, electronics and mechanical systems.
  18. The Colormagic process was invented by Owen Sercus, a textile chemist at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York, and Greater Texas is the sole manufacturer.
  19. But the United States, bowing to pressure from American textile groups, wants a less comprehensive phase-down of existing textile tariffs and quotas.
  20. But the United States, bowing to pressure from American textile groups, wants a less comprehensive phase-down of existing textile tariffs and quotas.
  21. She married her husband when both were teen-age revolutionaries and joined the Communist Party in 1937 in Bucharest where she worked in a textile factory.
  22. Prices of textile machines, for instance, rose 1.3%.
  23. Spontex manufactures and sells textile, sponge and other synthetic wiping products used in the household and building service markets.
  24. Only four sectors - steel plant, textile, packaging and woodworking machinery - were working at satisfactory rates of 85 per cent or more.
  25. Supporters included the textile, apparel and shoe industries and the labor unions that represent their employees: the Amalgamated Textile and Apparel Workers Union and the International Ladies Garment Workers Union.
  26. West Point, a textile concern based in West Point, Ga., said it is selling its interest in Lantor International Ltd. to Tootal Group PLC, a British concern.
  27. The textile industry says it's being killed by imports from low-wage countries.
  28. A veto of textile quotas cannot be overridden.
  29. Berendsen also has interests in the textile rental and laundry market, especially in Denmark. Mr Hans Werdelin, chief executive officer, said the two companies' fluid power divisions fitted well together.
  30. Rep. Ed Jenkins, D-Ga., occupant of the "textile seat" on the House Ways and Means Committee, said last week he hoped Reagan would relent and sign.
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