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 tertiary ['tә:ʃiәri]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 第三的, 第三位的, 第三产业的

n. 第三修道会会员, 第三纪

[化] 叔(指CH-3...C(CH-3)-2-型支链烃基或指三元胺及R-3COH型的醇)
第三的; 三代的(指无机盐)

[医] 第三期的, 第三的

    [ noun ]
    1. from 63 million to 2 million years ago

    2. <noun.time>
    [ adj ]
    1. coming next after the second and just before the fourth in position

    2. <adj.all>

    Tertiary \Ter"ti*a*ry\, a. [L. tertiarius containing a third
    part, fr. tertius third: cf. F. tertiaire. See {Tierce}.]
    1. Being of the third formation, order, or rank; third; as, a
    tertiary use of a word. --Trench.

    2. (Chem.) Possessing some quality in the third degree;
    having been subjected to the substitution of three atoms
    or radicals; as, a tertiary alcohol, amine, or salt. Cf.
    {Primary}, and {Secondary}.

    3. (Geol.) Later than, or subsequent to, the Secondary.

    4. (Zo["o]l.) Growing on the innermost joint of a bird's
    wing; tertial; -- said of quills.

    {Tertiary age}. (Geol.) See under {Age}, 8.

    {Tertiary color}, a color produced by the mixture of two
    secondaries. ``The so-called tertiary colors are citrine,
    russet, and olive.'' --Fairholt.

    {Tertiary period}. (Geol.)
    (a) The first period of the age of mammals, or of the
    Cenozoic era.
    (b) The rock formation of that period; -- called also
    {Tertiary formation}. See the Chart of {Geology}.

    {Tertiary syphilis} (Med.), the third and last stage of
    syphilis, in which it invades the bones and internal

    Tertiary \Ter"ti*a*ry\, n.; pl. {Tertiaries}.
    1. (R. C. Ch.) A member of the Third Order in any monastic
    system; as, the Franciscan tertiaries; the Dominican
    tertiaries; the Carmelite tertiaries. See {Third Order},
    under {Third}. --Addis & Arnold.

    2. (Geol.) The Tertiary era, period, or formation.

    3. (Zo["o]l.) One of the quill feathers which are borne upon
    the basal joint of the wing of a bird. See Illust. of

    1. But if we look at the tertiary sector's extraordinary growth potential, the overall negotiating results for initial commitments on financial services, audiovisuals, basic telecommunications, and maritime transport were disappointing.
    2. At present, they cannot be punished for misleading an auditor. The professional bodies would teach auditors about fraud. APB and the Accounting Standards Board would work on how to assure secondary and tertiary stakeholders in the company.
    3. By and large, these are "secondary" and "tertiary" earners in households, many of them teen-agers.
    4. Foreign investment is moving away from the hub of Xiamen in search of better incentives or lower wages. Second, investment has started to flow into tertiary industries like finance and leisure.
    5. The fuel has an octane level of 88 and contains methyl tertiary butyl ether, which Arco spokesman Al Greenstein described as an oxygenated additive.
    6. The decline and fall of the Hollywood empire, billed as part of the book's main theme, seems more of a tertiary theme, woven in among the anecdotes.
    7. To prepare for a new global economic order as a result of the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade talks, the government plans to transform the current farm-based rural economy into a mixture of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, officials said.
    8. Meanwhile, prices of many smaller OTC stocks rose as investors continued to buy into what they hope will be a sustained rally in these "tertiary" stocks.
    9. The new rules also allow about 350 tertiary petrochemical products to be manufactured with 100 percent private investment. These include about 100 plastics products.
    10. Thailand and the Philippines have higher proportions of students in tertiary education than Malaysia. Though the government is making a concerted attempt to revamp the education system, the result will not be seen for some years.
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