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 terminating ['tɚmə`net添加此单词到默认生词本
[计] 终止, 终结

    Terminate \Ter"mi*nate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Terminated}; p.
    pr. & vb. n. {Terminating}.] [L. terminatus, p. p. of
    terminare. See {Term}.]
    1. To set a term or limit to; to form the extreme point or
    side of; to bound; to limit; as, to terminate a surface by
    a line.

    2. To put an end to; to make to cease; as, to terminate an
    effort, or a controversy.

    3. Hence, to put the finishing touch to; to bring to
    completion; to perfect.

    During this interval of calm and prosperity, he
    [Michael Angelo] terminated two figures of slaves,
    destined for the tomb, in an incomparable style of
    art. --J. S.

    1. Bank of New York said it is considering terminating its hostile takeover bid, among other possible actions, in view of the results.
    2. HealthVest took a giant step toward independence by terminating, effective Sept. 15, its advisory agreement with a unit of Healthcare International Inc.
    3. The commission expanded the scope of the proceeding to include other forms of telecommunications originating or terminating in Canada, such as data traffic.
    4. The company said it was terminating its engagement of Tucker, Anthony Inc., which was hired in March to pursue strategic and financing alternatives, including a possible sale.
    5. The 1974 Employment Retirement Income Security Act, known as ERISA, allows employers to pull back the money by terminating the pension programs and paying off the employees, usually with a lump sum.
    6. The report said the participants, also in late 1980, asked the supply system to study the possibility of slowing down construction or terminating the two projects.
    7. The Bush administration proposed terminating the agency, but the program is a favorite of Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Robert Byrd, D-W.Va.
    8. He could not recall the letter sent to him by Mr Myles on March 14 1990, terminating the relationship with Richmond.
    9. The federal Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. will guarantee a maximum $2,352 monthly benefit for participants in single-employer defined-benefit plans terminating this year, up from $2,250 in 1991.
    10. "We are not terminating the program," Hoffman told reporters at a briefing. "We are moving ahead on a plan that we have laid out.
    11. But the companies announced Thursday night that Whirlpool was terminating its $50-per-share offer for Roper.
    12. However, earlier this month, the FAA took a step toward terminating its contract with Hazeltine Corp., its prime contractor for the system, FAA spokesman John Leyden said late last week.
    13. New York-based Japonica Partners, which had been pursuing a $44 a share hostile takeover valued at $722 million, issued a statement saying it was terminating its tender offer.
    14. South Africans are loosening or terminating their U.S. business connections far faster than the legal environment warrants.
    15. He said he "couldn't conceivably imagine anything that would change my mind" about terminating the merger, but added that he would be "delighted" to meet with Mr. Goldstein to discuss the issues.
    16. Papandreou and President Christos Sartzetakis signed the order terminating the current Parliament's final legislative session.
    17. The $29 million payment is consideration for terminating the original contract, Nerco said.
    18. The FDA's action terminating "provisional uses" of the dye removes the last of the full color additives from the provisional list, although tints of certain permanently listed colors remain on the list.
    19. The government has said it would give five days' notice before terminating the plan.
    20. He said the ruling will discourage other companies from terminating pension plans through bankruptcy maneuvers.
    21. At the larger estimate, the White House was prepared to save $30 billion in fiscal 1988 by altering or terminating certain spending programs.
    22. Any delay in terminating the pregnancy is only increasing the risks to Nancy.
    23. Defense Secretary Dick Cheney, citing lessening chances for U.S. involvement in a major European land war, had proposed terminating the M-1 tank program in fiscal 1991, which begins Oct. 1.
    24. Because Coleman's pension plans are overfunded, MacAndrews & Forbes will be able to take up to $32 million in surplus money for its own use by terminating the pensions and setting up an annuity program.
    25. MacAndrews & Forbes had proposed terminating two Coleman retirement funds valued at $83 million and investing the monies in annunities with an insurance company with a large share of its assets in high-risk "junk" bonds.
    26. As reported, the two companies in March agreed to the acquisition after terminating an earlier merger agreement when a large shareholder of Petrominerals backed out.
    27. The company said the latest quarter included $1.7 million in gains from reduction in debt by terminating a contract and returning certain equipment, and a $429,000 charge from suspending operations of its telemarketing unit.
    28. He had left House of Fraser in January 1990 with a compensation package the company described as substantial. Mr Jones had also signed a letter terminating his employment in which he undertook not to disclose confidential information about the company.
    29. The company said it is considering terminating its Western Health Services unit that manages the Western Health Medical Clinic.
    30. Warner argued that the government has already invested more than $26 billion, and terminating the program at 15 planes would increase the per unit cost to more than $2.3 billion per plane.
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