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 technic   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 技巧, 技能, [谓语用单数]工艺学

[化] 技巧

[医] 术, 技术, 操作[法]

    Technic \Tech"nic\, a.

    Technic \Tech"nic\, n. [See {Technical}, a.]
    1. The method of performance in any art; technical skill;
    artistic execution; technique.

    They illustrate the method of nature, not the
    technic of a manlike Artificer. --Tyndall.

    2. pl. Technical terms or objects; things pertaining to the
    practice of an art or science.

    Technique \Tech`nique"\, n. [F.]
    1. The method or manner of performance in any art; -- also
    called {technic}.

    2. The body of technical methods and procedures used in a
    science or craft.

    3. the detailed movements used for executing an artistic
    performance; technical skill; artistic execution; as, a
    pianist's fingering technique.
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

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